Instead, head down the stairs to the lower level of the Library and go through the exit to the south of the room, into the Lounge.Here you will find the Unicorn statue, which holds the Unicorn Medallion. Hopefully you’re now one achievement better off and have wasted minimal time hunting down tiny mascots. Use them to reenter the Police Station, and then again to gain access to the East Office.From here, you want to go back into the western side of the station and make your way back to the Operations Room on the first floor. In this guide we’ll explain how to get the red jewel by solving the Art Room statue puzzle. That statue’s missing arm is sitting right next to it, but you’ll need more than this to complete the puzzle. Sure, the reward isn’t exactly worth the effort, but nothing beats getting one step closer to the 100% score on a game.If you need help with anything else, we have guides on all While you’re here, why not check out the above video on some of the amazing details you may not have known about Capcom’s ambitious remake. After the reunion, you’ll find a pair of Bolt Cutters nearby. This is by far the easiest of the three medallions to obtain.
Take the eastern exit from here, using the Spade Key you found along the way. station in Resident Evil 2, you may come across the Art Room and its mysterious red jewel statue puzzle. Head up the stairs in the main lobby and you’ll see a statue of a lion with a combination lock. You just solved the first truly esoteric puzzle in Resident Evil 2 Medallion Guide – The Goddess Statue Puzzle find a Valve Handle and a Fuse in this area. Move into the next hallway, but keep your eyes on the ceiling! Am Anfang von Resident Evil 2 benötigt ihr bei einem Rätsel drei Medaillons. Here you can use the Valve Handle to turn off the steam.
This door will bring you back to the Main Hall, giving you a chance to plug the Unicorn Medallion into the statue. You’ll eventually end up on the third floor of the station in the Library. This page contains every Resident Evil 2 (RE2) walkthrough for completing combinations, locker codes, or even solutions for every safe, dial lock, or similar code-input device. The solution is shown below (if in doubt, just match the scuff marks rather than the symbols):Now either fight or run away from the enemies in this room (I’d run, since you don’t really need to come back here).
Oh, and his job. Un-barricade the western door and exit into the hallway, where you can use the Fuse to open the shutter and return to the Main Hall. This is by far the easiest of the three medallions to obtain. Jordan prides himself on one thing alone: being better than you at Rainbow Six Siege. Once here, you can set the Detonator on the C4. With all three medallions obtained, return to the Main Hall and unlock the secret underground passageway.Congratulations! The pesky Resident Evil 2 Red Book, huh?You’ve probably been lugging the Library item around for most of the early portions of the game, baffled as to where to use it and what to do with it. Use your Combat Knife to unlock the door on the southeast side of the Main Hall. It’s also worth noting that you can melee some of these to save on previous ammo.And there you have it, all Resident Evil 2 Mr Raccoon locations. Ihr bekommt sie alle bei drei Statuen in Form eines Löwen, eines Einhorns und in Form eines Mädchens. The station isn’t the easiest place to navigate, however, so let us be your guide through the nightmare that is the Resident Evil 2 Goddess Statue Medallion Puzzle! The Lion Statue Puzzle is one of many short puzzles and activities available in the Resident Evil 2 1-Shot demo. As before, you can check your notebook for the code, but we’ve also shown it below:Now head back into the Library. Manage to collect every one of these Resident Evil 2 bobbleheads and you’ll earn the Vermin Extermination achievement, as well as a new model to view in your collection.Problem is, there are 15 Mr Raccoon statues, and Claire and Leon have quite a lot on their hands already what with the hordes of gnashing undead, Lickers, and poison-spewing lumps of flesh terrorising the city.What’s more you’ll need to do play through Resident Evil 2 as both Claire and Leon at least once in order to find all Mr Raccoon statues – this is a serious timesink. Not too much longer before you can start your 4th Survivor or Tofu Survivor playthrough, so keep at it. The Lion Statue riddle is can be solved on the premises of the police station, namely on the second floor (2F) of the main hall.. You can solve the riddle immediately or after a sufficient promotion in the game. So we’ve prepared the following list of Mr Raccoon locations in case you’ve missed one of these illusive figurines or are struggling to find the last couple of them.Don’t forget to keep at least one round spare in case you spot one of these and can’t shoot it to destroy it. Your route will be significantly more zombie-infested than the last time you were here, so be warned (and careful). Resident Evil 2 Unicorn Statue Puzzle Solution: Two Fish, Scorpion, Jug of Water Take the Unicorn Medallion and place it in the Goddess Statue back in the Main Hall. Because players are restricted to a 30-minute timer, you likely won’t be … Guide Resident Evil 2. Looking for pesky raccoon figurines while trying to avoid Mr X? One of the Virgin Hearts is found and obtained here by pushing the two statues, "the god of sun and the god of moon" toward the right panel facing the statue. The door toward the far end leads to the 2F west corridor.. Without further flimflamming, here’s where to find every Mr Raccoon statue in Resident Evil 2: West Office, on top of some boxes on a shelf; S.T.A.R.S. Where to Find the Lion Medallion. Sadly, it’s missing a Battery.To find our 9-volt friend, we need to head up to the Shower Room on the second floor. Upon reaching the Watchmen's Room (floor 1F, east of the building), Leon will fall into a policeman attacked by a zombie.