Romney remains a hyper-competitive politician and, at age 71, shows no sign of checking his ambitions. For once in his life he should do something honest.
The minute you get a smart TV and sign up for “Alexa” to control your TV controller all your private information already in the cloud is available to their Chinese buddies or bad actors including your political preferences which can be identified and marketed, or your mail in vote compromised.
This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.This content is published through a licensing agreement with Well, well, well.
And you are just the guy to encourage the fraud. Go back to Massa -2- where your opinions are sometimes even listened to..Even an industrial machine, can’t pull his head out of his rectum.. ITS firmly planted up there..First Michigan was his home state. Romney is a first class fool. In contrast to Schiff and Romney, the president’s State of the Union address was an outpouring of lies and self-serving propaganda. The democrats have proven that when it comes to mail in ballots , even those seniors ” Living ” in cemeteries get to vote. he is a useless ***, and he knows it. He isn’t in it for what he can do for Utah. Switch to the Democrat Party.THIS IS why i feel, EVERY DAMN STATE needs to make it harder for someone to just move there for a few months, then run for that state. Just make an appointment and show up!
Romney World is a place where such fantasy and optimism can take on lives of their own.
Your a bigger dufus than your father, Mitt.
... John Romney - Assistant Solicitor. Postal Service of money to make it harder to process the expected flood of ballots from voters who are seeking to avoid polling places.Romney said he has seen no evidence that voting by mail has led to fraud and that this voting method may be even more secure than electronic voting because it’s less likely to invite hacking interference by foreign entities.
In other words; Mitt Romney is just a looney toon.
Yep Mitt McCain, we should “Make America Last Again”, because you are a deep state traitor. We can't get enough of these LGBTQ+ powerhouse pairs.Looking for some great streaming picks? LIVE THERE, not just have a home there..He could be shown, a 8 hr video of FRAUD, and he’d still not recognize it.Hey Mitt, change your name to “Mitt John McCain Demorat Traitor Romey. But Romney said that sticking to a nationalist “America First” approach will further alienate the U.S. from its allies and push them to support China’s interests instead.“We’re pulling out of the world,” Romney said.
Making sure people can vote by mail is more important than the outcome. As though any rational logical American can’t see what’s really going on here. This week he acknowledged that he’s starving the U.S. Then Massachusetts. Frankly, Mitt Romney never had any marvels to lose in the political arena except to criticize without reason and patriotism. Amazon has them in their pocket with the American taxpayer subsidizing much of Amazon’s profits in free shipping. The overarching authority is not the “people,” but the Constitution. We had an election here after the virus and every precaution was taken; plastic barriers, masks, distance markings on the floor and a pen that when pulled out of it’s container, smelled of Purell. He deals with all aspects of private client matters including business sales and acquisitions.
Trump’s servile supporters whooped it up … Romney & the Dem Party, along with their Soros & Corp bosses, cannot accept being slapped down & made fools of in 2016 or that majority citizens want nothing to do with their suffocating ideas of a Marxist /’globalist / elitist govt by political hegemony & tyranny.
He said he would support providing additional funds to states to strengthen their voting systems.The Republican lawmaker also discussed what he called the threat of an emerging Chinese economy and military that he says has been able to expand with virtually no pushback.Romney said the U.S. will need to work together with other free nations to “stop China’s predation.”He applauded the Trump administration for being tough on China. Lewis Williams on 9:57 am August 15, 2020 at 9:57 am ... Romney needs to be stripped of all seniority and Committee Assignments and disowned by … I wish that these Black athletes were as concerned about…“Living” is defined as growing and obtaining nourishment. Report for America is a nonprofit national service program that places journalists in local newsrooms to report on undercovered issues.Copyright 2020 The Associated Press. The town of Romney, Virginia (now West Virginia), traded hands between the Union Army and Confederate States Army no fewer than 10 times during the American Civil War, assuming the occupying force spent at least one night in the town. I was even offered a pair of gloves! He is in it for what Utah can do for him. Couldn’t win the traditional way of voting.What Mitt really needs is a proctologist to pull his head out of his nether regions.