Prefix ver- of verschallen is not separable. The stem vowels are a - o - o. missing.
verschollen translate: missing, lost. missing adjective: vermisst, fehlend, verschwunden: lost without trace adjective: verschollen : forgotten adjective: verschollen: castaway noun: verschollen, Schiffbrüchige: cast away verb: verschollen, wegwerfen: Find more words! The conjugation of the verb verschallen is irregular. Can be used regularly as well. For a better understanding, countless The simple conjugated verbs in the present, past tense, imperative and subjunctive of verschallenThe verb verschallen conjugated in the indicative Active in the present, past, and future tensesThe conjugation in the subjunctive I and II and in the present tense, past tense, perfect, pluperfect and future tense for the verb verschallenForms of the subjunctive II conjugated with "würde"The forms of conjugation in the imperative Active present for the verb verschallenThe infinite forms participle and infinitive (with 'zu') in Active for verschallen Especially for people learning German it is essential to know the correct flection of a verb (verschallt - verscholl - ist verschollen).
The content on this site is unless otherwise stated under the open license English Translation. Basic forms are verschallt, verscholl and ist verschollen. With Reverso you can find the German translation, definition or synonym for verschollen and thousands of other words. verschollen translation in German - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Verschollene',verschwollen',verschalen',versohlen', examples, definition, conjugation Suggest new translation/definition
Therfore, the flection of the verb verschallen can be useful for homework, tests, exams, German lessons in school, learning German, during studies and adult education. You can complete the translation of verschollen given by the German-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Langenscheidt, Duden, Wissen, Oxford, Collins dictionaries... Clear online presentation of the verb 'verschallen' including all verb forms. To ensure the quality of comments, you need to be connected. You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...) Learn more in the Cambridge German-English Dictionary. Auszugehen ist von dem heute wenig gebräuchlichen Verb verschallen - aufhören zu schallen, verklingen (zu schallen, siehe dort), dessen Partizip des Präteritums teilweise die starke Flexion von mittelhochdeutsch frühneuhochdeutsch schellen → gmh tönen, schallen, klingen, althochdeutsch skellan → goh (siehe ›1 Schelle ‹) bewahrt hat. More meanings for verschollen. What does verschollen mean in German? verschollen, eigentlich verklungen, verhallt, dürfte als junger euphemistischer Ausdruck für verschwunden, unverbürgt mit Tode abgegangen eingetreten sein. German-English dictionary : translate German words into English with online dictionaries
The flection is in Active and the use as Main.