We do not have manual how to use mods on Mac but it is possible. On it’s way. Thank you for this mod. Please try reloading the page. cant get to the login screen.I also have problems with this mod, I can launch the game, but then during battle I have “lost connection to server”. Mine is displaying as before.Mod menu for you is lower right corner in the hangar or on ESC button ?I see that the file is reuploaded about an hour ago. Allways will see type of idiots!such a crybaby calling several nationalities retards and cheaters without any proof BTW cry some here (________) africa needs waterBrain dead will always blame someone else for their own uselessness…its not about country nationality etc. Let’s you see exactly how much more effort you need until the next mark of excellence. Game client was updated without long enough notice. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Any idea?Hey, so it works great but I have a question, what does “moving average damage” and “current summary damage” mean ? Please get rid of this arrow. Stealthz Pack v.2.2 all-in-one Stealthz mods installer with cash cleaning VirusTotal check: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/7f5c4070fc9dbd46b90668e1dbdf9d521afcab7d8ab1d7949e314a443c6879b0/detection Source Link Download Link1.10.0.1 Observer By Stealthz – displays a icon when someone is spectating you – displays number of people spectating you – essential mod if you DON’T want a replay... AVS Mods 11.2 By PKmods SIMPLE THE BEST MOD PACK MONEY CAN BUY FOR WoT FIRST COMPLEX MOD PACK FULLY WORKING WITH 64BIT GAME CLIENT !!! Just tested, it’s working….I have now made a game and packed everything in the right folder but unfortunately the mod inGame is NOT displayed.In the garage I can make settings but in the battle we do not see anything.otherwise the mod has always and without problems only this time does not work.That is strange, same res as me. Cause in strongholds the alt key doesnt work.Hmm didn’t work for me I used before reinstall game was ok but now nothingNeeds an update. The same problem I had shortly before the update came out.the mod doesnt work for me now on NA. can you help me to add it to files?Nothing so far, all RU coders are waiting for their server to get updated Hi, why do I have a crew crew (mod) instead of gun mark? I tested, personally, all is good Unfortunately it is locked. Or is it like picture 5 from above, in… Russian?Hi, can somebody help me? When you put your mouse cursor over the arrow a box pops up and the text says: “Extend the Rental Period”.I installed the mod by itself on a clean install of WOT and the error still happens. There are opportunity to reduce size of mod in game (reduce size of moe percantage icon) ?Does this work for ASIA server, because I installed it, everything was a question mark when I am playing.Ok, I think it do not work for ASIA server, played few games with it, all I see is Russian language and without any mod menuI have a problem because in I never have a configuration and menu and I see this fashion only when I play and when I’m in the garage everything is unchangedMod is fully legal, used by the most famous EU player Circonflexes: seems it’s not working in game after the new update? Could you please check it out? Install again…Just tested, both links work normally. Unfortunatelly in the garage it shows nothing, only in the battle. And this mode will work on MACI download it, the mod work in garage, everythings appears but in battle I see what I need to see (percents etc…) but it don’t move, I see my actual percents of Moe before I launch the game for example 72,34% before I launch the battle and in battle I will see 72,34% (72.34) and in all the long of the battle it will don’t move, help me please, I use the Skill4ltu versionI found the problem of the bug, I need to do minimum 3 game with the same tank for the mod work and the bug disapear but I need to do it with every tank then for the bug disapear on all my tanksJust want to say a big THANK YOU, this mod is awesome.