Just reach out to them via email or chat to an N26 expert right in your app. Girokonto eröffnen.

Plus, enjoy 0.1% cashback on all purchases.If you have any questions or run into any problems, our Customer Service team will be on hand to help you in English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.

It’s easy—create a space with just a few clicks and start saving money for the things that matter. N26 is the mobile bank that lets you manage your bank account, spend and set money aside in real-time, 100% mobile. Entscheide dich jetzt für dein 100 % … With N26 Business You, you’ll get all the benefits of your premium bank account with your business account. Just create and name a space, set your savings goal, and see how close you are to reaching it by tracking your progress.And soon, all N26 users will have access to Shared Spaces–our new shared bank account feature that helps you save money together with family and friends, all in one place. Dein Girokonto bei N26. under My Account then Security Settings if you don’t have access to your smartphone anymore.

We’re here for you. Stay flexible with CASH26, and withdraw and deposit money at no cost at over 11,500 shops in Germany.Whether it’s your salary coming in or money going out when you’re buying that treat in your favorite café—thanks to our automatic categorization feature Statistics, you can see all your transactions at a glance, divided into smart sub-categories to keep you posted on your financial habits.N26 operates with a full European banking license, and every N26 bank account is safe up to €100,000 according to EU directives. Forgot your password? Kostenloses Girokonto mit N26. N26 ist die mobile Bank, mit der du dein Girokonto 100 % mobil verwalten kannst. In several languages. N26 besitzt die europäische Vollbanklizenz, wodurch die Einlagen auf deinem N26 Girokonto im Rahmen von EU-Richtlinien bis zu 100.000 € durch die nationale Einlagensicherung geschützt sind. Girokonto eröffnen. N26 Standard ist dein mobiles Bankkonto ohne Grundgebühr. And with fingerprint identification and advanced 3D Secure technology, you can rest assured you’re extra safe when making purchases in stores and online.Keep track of every transaction that comes in and out of your bank account, thanks to real-time push notifications. Verwalte dein Online-Konto mit dem Smartphone und erlebe modernes, kundenfreundliches Banking. Open yours in minutes right from your smartphone, and start spending before your physical card arrives.Your standard N26 account comes with all you need to spend, save and keep track of your money. N26 Bank GmbH is a non-US bank, is not FDIC-insured, and does not offer or provide banking services in the United States or to US residents. Wie Sie das NUMBER26-Konto auch ohne kompatibles Smartphone nutzen können Anleitung: N26 ohne Smartphone. With N26 Business You, you’ll get all the benefits of your premium bank account with your business account. Learn how to better manage your expenses, view all your transactions divided into smart sub-categories, and gain insights into your financial habits.Organize your finances with Spaces sub-accounts, and put money aside to save up for that dream purchase. And with N26 Business You, enjoy all of these benefits, alongside free ATM withdrawals in all currencies and an extensive insurance package for extra peace of mind.Enjoy even more perks with our premium accounts—N26 You and N26 Metal. N26 Inc. does not currently offer or provide banking services on its own behalf or for its affiliates and is not a bank.