Ghost of Tsushima will be playable on PS5 thanks to PS5 backwards compatibility. The episode will be focused entirely on Ghost of Tsushima, coming to PS4 July 17. Ramon also likes to live his best life by watching funny videos on YouTube.

According to Sony, the PS5 will be backward compatible with most PS4 games, and given that Ghost of Tsushima is probably one of the hottest games on the PS4 right now, it …
Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. The PS5 is a massive leap, it really should be the last option. You’ll get an extended look at new gameplay footage, including exploration, combat and more. He also likes tennis games way more than you.So, if it is backward compatible, and you own a physical copy on PS4 will that mean you have to have a PS5 with a disc drive in order to play it?Ghost of Tsushima Patch 1.07 Boosts Stick Tolerance and Fixes More BugsGhost of Tsushima: Legends Will Not Have Any MicrotransactionsGhost of Tsushima: Legends Is a Free Co-Op Multiplayer ModeThe First 50 People to Platinum Ghost of Tsushima In Company Contest Got a Cool Prize from SonyGhost of Tsushima Is Sony's Fourth Best Launch in US History

Sucker Punch Games' Ghost of Tsushima is shaping up to be a massive hit for the PlayStation 4, but the question becomes will it come to the PS5?Several days ago, Sucker Punch released its highly-anticipated game, Before anything else, it is important to discuss how the PS5's backward compatibility will work, given that this feature will play an important role for So once the PS5 releases, the earliest that players should be able to play If Sucker Punch decides to develop a true PS5 version of Of course, given that the PS5 will be vastly superior in terms of power and performance than its predecessor, players should also expect that Nonetheless, even without official word from Sony and Sucker Punch, Ramon is a writer for GameRant and an avid gamer since the era of the original PlayStation. Really impressive considering the open world design and a godsend compared to EA games. For Ghost of Tsushima on the PlayStation 4, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Ghost of Tsushima and PS5". Ad he’s right- Ghost of Tsushima looks amazing, and we have a good feeling that it will hold up visually, even in the PS5 era. The rumor claims that PlayStation has two unannounced upcoming events. That may be disappointing for fans, but as there are also rumors that the PS5 will be in limited supply at launch, PS4 players will have time to finish them before they get the new console. I’d happily take current resolution, at 60fps with raytraced reflections and shadows. I think Battlefield 1 was the worst offender with the loading lasting up to 3+ minutes. Click the button below to start this article in quick view.Just Dance 2021 Confirms More Tracks and Release Date You’ll get an extended look at new gameplay footage, including exploration, combat and more. Absolutely 60fps and probably at native 4K if there’s not any visual improvements. Ghost of Tsushima will be playable on PS5 thanks to While you can expect the backwards compatible version to run better thanks to the PS5's hardware advantages, there has been no word on a There are currently no announced plans for Ghost of Tsushima to release on PC, although Sony has recently ported some PS4 exclusives like Horizon Zero Dawn to the platform. It's not impossible, but nothing has been confirmed at this point in time.No, Ghost of Tsushima is a first-party game developed by Sony subsidiary Sucker Punch, so it will not release on Xbox One S, Xbox One X, or Xbox Series X.Are you hoping to play Ghost of Tsushima on PS5 or a platform other than PS4? Ghost Of Tsushima Is The PS4's Fastest-Selling New IP With over 2.4 million sales in the first three days since launch, Ghost of Tsushima has taken the record over from Horizon Zero Dawn. A one-stop shop for all things video games.