Danish actress Casting TaylorMade, the company that handled extras casting for On October 31, David Harbour posted a picture of himself in his Chief Hopper costume with the caption "Hopper's back," confirming that he was back on production.In the first week of November 2016, table reads for a "bunch of episodes" started.An extras casting call revealed that filming was planned for November 11, 15, 16 and 18 for scenes at the On November 14, 2016 photos of the cast on set in Atlanta were published. With Winona Ryder David Harbour Finn Wolfha… At the Byers' house, Mike, concerned about Eleven, convinces the group to burn the tendrils at the tunnels to distract the demodogs from attacking Hopper and Eleven. Nevertheless, they impressed the Duffer brothers with a plethora of staggering effects and seamless cinematography, most notably the CG shots for the season finale.The characters' new looks in Stranger Things 2 on the cover of The season was announced in a trailer published across social media on August 31, 2016, listing the titles of the episodes. However, it is revealed that the rocks were only a vision in the mind of the lead policeman. When Eleven tries to close the Gate, the Mind Flayer senses her strength and sends the Demodogs to attack her. Eleven makes plans to finish what she started while the survivors turn up the heat on the monstrous force that's holding Will hostage. The Hollands hold a proper funeral for Barb. The two connect, where Kali shows Eleven her powers. Back in the van, it is revealed that a girl named Bob encourages Will to stand up to his fears. When a young boy disappears, his mother, a police chief and his friends must confront terrifying supernatural forces in order to get him back. But Steve rebuffs the plan and refuses. a list of 28 images His search takes him to the Wheeler's house, where Mrs. Wheeler gives him Joyce's address. As part of the online marketing campaign for Season 2, the show's social media accounts hosted "Stranger Thursdays" where fans were encouraged to rewatch the first season along with the cast and crew. But down below, in the dark, the future of the world is at stake. Every Thursday for eight weeks, special behind-the-scenes extras were released, corresponding with each individual episode. Bob is able to identify the tunnels as a map underneath Hawkins, and is able to roughly locate where Hopper was trapped. With Millie Bobby Brown, Finn Wolfhard, Winona Ryder, David Harbour. She enlists Bob for help, as his nickname in high school was "Bob the Brain". Seen in the photos were the main cast of kids and teens from the previous season, minus By early April, the final two episodes had commenced filming, shooting scenes in woodland seen previously in Season 1.Dixon and Stein introduced new styles of composition for Season 2 and created new elements that were "necessary to support the story." Hopper goes to the pumpkin patch, where he digs a hole, which leads to a tunnel in the Upside Down. After Will sees something terrible on trick-or-treat night, Mike wonders whether Eleven's still out there. Terror reigns in the food court when the Mind Flayer comes to collect. Kali tells Eleven to channel her anger, which strengthens her powers. At Dustin's house, he finds Dart has broken from his cage and ate his pet cat; Dustin then finds that Dart is a baby Demogorgon. The set was released on November 6, 2018 exclusive to Target retailers.Stranger Things Season 2 Comic Con "Thriller" Trailer HD NetflixTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. As the town preps for Halloween, a high-scoring rival shakes things up at the arcade, and a skeptical Hopper inspects a field of rotting pumpkins. Will's connection to a shadowy evil grows stronger but no one's quite sure how to stop it.