You go to your War Thunder install folder. theres your problem,alt f4,then find a copy of windows 7 and reformat,itll fix everything. DEV-BLOG. Go to Folder named UserSkins. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. ya i just got photoshop and got it to work. For this it is required to add following block: Need a guide on installing custom skins for your war thunder vehicles - tanks OR planes?

Damages and chips of pain… That will create a folder in the UserSkins folder to put that aircrafts skin into.
For example I have a Tiger, and I had like 30+ kills with it already. Or for installing a custom jet exhaust flame? Install Steam login | language Store Page. Go to Folder named UserSkins. Install Steam login | language Store Page. The replacement of the repetitive camouflage file should be displayed in the blk file. At the moment it is possible to create two types of camouflage for ground vehicles: All rights reserved.

In War Thunder use the customisation menu to generate a template for the aircraft. 3. War Thunder ... War Thunder. Jan 26, 2016 @ 11:49pm How do I unlock camouflage for my tanks? The important thing here is to preserve the initial title, since this makes it far easier for less experienced users to use the already finished camouflage. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. © Valve Corporation. For others, your tank or aircraft will remain in the same camouflage that was selected in the “Appearance” menu as the basis for the user camouflage. The first two files are enough for the simplest camouflage, but then your camo will be swapped for the standard one created by the example when you take even the smallest hit. 1.
All rights reserved. Bonzo Banana. Select the ground vehicle or aircraft you want to update the camouflage on, open the “Appearance” menu or click on the button to create an example camouflage. As a simple example we will create camouflage for the Chieftain Mk.10 with fixed decal in the form of an orange square. Pay attention to the alpha channel in the hull structure (the alpha channels of the remaining elements of fixed camouflage are similar). The creation of any camouflage begins with the creation of the example that was described above. In the alpha channel, the remaining area needs to be filled with black. 2. User camouflage is set locally, i.e. Aircraft camouflages can not be rotated or scaled that’s why in the example you will find the arrangement of the elements of the structure. In the case of changes to only one texture, the blk file will look like this: I just downloaded a camo but i dont know how to get to be applied to my plane. In War Thunder use the customisation menu to generate a template for the aircraft. By using set_tex you can paint the vehicle almost entirely as in the example of the camouflage “Berlin Brigade” for Chieftain Mk.10. Jump to: Return to the client and update the list of available camouflages by pressing the corresponding button. The file .blk describes the application of fixed camouflage to the model by a consistent reference to the involved textures. 18 August 2020. So it’s worth stocking up on patience and creating some truly impressive work. As a result you will get a camouflage that can age (An aging mask will be applied) and after the destruction the model, will look correct. Places with a gray alpha channel will be applied as translucent. only the player can see it.

If a texture is mentioned in .blk file which is not in the archive, then such a camouflage is unlikely to be considered in the selection for the market. You go to your War Thunder install folder. © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment. Changing the texture of the engine flame on aircraft is not desirable and in most cases will lead to a rejection when selecting content for the market. Its RGB and Alpha channels look like this: This occured because the values of the alpha channel outside the square were equal to zero. Next, the example files are edited in any suitable graphical editor as an ordinary image. Windows 8 makes it hard to go through files of programs If the appearance of your favourite vehicle has started to bore you, and the in-game camouflages available for it aren’t quite what you want, the best solution is to create a unique appearance for your vehicle with a user camouflage. Let’s open the uk_camo_very_dark_drab.tga file and draw black bars there (in the understanding of PBR "black" - it's not darker than 30; 30; 30 in RGB). Set the camouflage. GigaChad. If you did everything correctly, then the camouflage you loaded should be shown in the “User camouflages” list when you click it. Du siehst jetzt: The Shooting Range – Unsere wöchentliche Show für Panzerfahrer, Kapitäne und Piloten in War Thunder! Camouflages that do not comply with these rules will not be used in preparing content for the War Thunder Market. Important: When creating a camouflage scheme, authors are encouraged to adhere to the principles adopted in the game. The layer will contain chieftain_mk_10_turret.tga texture. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews War Thunder > General Discussions > Topic Details. Selection of content for the market will not be included if the camouflage contains changes in the cockpit. Mit dem kommenden War Thunder-Update werden drei neue Varianten des legendären russischen Panzers in das Spiel aufgenommen - der T-72B von 1989, der T-72B3 von 2011 und der neueste T-72B3 von 2016!

That will create a folder in the UserSkins folder to put that aircrafts skin into. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews War Thunder > General Discussions > Topic Details. Note that the rest of the texture with rust on the turret is not visible. The decal will overpaint the “split colour” places, change the metallicity and smoothness of the surface. When creating a camouflage scheme, authors are encouraged to adhere to the principles adopted in the game. what software could i use to convert it from .rar to .tga? If you want to change the name of texture so don’t forget to change it in the configuration file “name_of_the_vehicle.blk”.

We draw a square in the same area on all channels. 41.