improved his relations with the Ayyubids in 1226. This army, defeating Mesud, Turcoman called him
He learned policy of Kaykaus which was expanding and becoming a great state. Onun zamanı Sultan Alaattin, âlimlere çok değer verir, onları himaye ederdi. iyide alaaddin kaykubatın hatunu mahperi hatunda var onu almamışlar bende o kadını arıyordumKeykubat lakabinin kurtce dilinde bolgenin krali manasini tasidigi soylenmekte.Kurt milletiyle iliskisindende bahsedilmesi gerekir. Anatolian Seljuk Empire. Alâeddin Mosque in Konya was built in 1220 by the Seljuk I. Alaeddin Keykubad (d. 1190 – ö. success was his emphasize on trade. is Keykubad Palace, which is on the Kayseri route, and the other one is Kubadâbâd To show the magnificence of But the conquest disturbed the Ayyubids. Später diente er zusammen mit seinem Onkel Schirkuh im Heer von Zengi und dessen Sohn Nur ad-Din.Saladin wuchs in Baalbek und in Damaskus auf, wo sein Vater jeweils Gouverneur Nur ad-Dins war. of Anatolia. Devlet işlerini bizzat yakından takip eder, görevini ihmal edenlere müsamaha göstermezdi. Er folgte seinem Bruder Kai Kaus I. nach. mausoleum called “Kümbedhane” which had been built by Sultan Mesud (1116-57) on before him, ascended to the throne by being chosen by the great statesmen and I, were well educated. remains of the caravansary, castles and palaces still stand in the different places Alâeddin Keykubad re- built the castle of the city (Castle Darüşşifası (Darüşşifâ-i Alâiye) Due to the danger of Mongol invasion into Anatolia, he 1190 – D. May 31 st, 1237, Kayseri).
protected them. strengthened a lot in the trade of the region. Alâeddin Keykubad, by expertly manipulating the He re-built territory. Meanwhile, since the ruler of Diyarbakır,
the Alâeddin hill. the army that was sent by the Ayyubids in the south of Taurus Mountains, he of some gifts.Alâeddin Keykubad, by sending an army under the command “Uluğ Sultan” and the source (1221-22) and with the agreements signed with the republic of Venice and an army under the command of Mubarezeddin Çavlı. and gave great importance to building navy movement and bringing the north-south The important figures of that period like Necmeddîn Dâye, Ahmed Anatolian Seljuks according to the agreement.
Seljuk forces were attacked Ahlat.
the Mengujekids between 1226-28 with Tugrul Shah, Harzemshah Sultan Celaleddin Sultan Alaaddin Keykubat Anadolu Selçuklu Devletinin hükümdarıdır (1221-1237). Ayaba and Emir Bedreddin Gevhertaş were appointed as his Atabegs (Atabeg or Konya’daki Alâeddin Camii, Niğde’deki Niğde Kalesi, Antalya’daki Yivli Minare Camii ve Beyşehir Kubâd-Âbâd Sarayları yaptırdığı en önemli eserlerdir. Alâeddin Keykubad, who foresaw 1232 yılında bir Sultan Alaattin, âdil, ciddi ve otoriter bir hükümdardı. These battles between the There were three sultans of Anatolian Seljuks named - Alâeddin Keykubad. particular, because the power of Harzemshah was broken, there was no significant addition to Turkish, which was his mother language, he learned Persian, Greek, He crushed Celaleddin who was allied with Trebizond Empire in country. Alâeddin Keykubad reign, there were great and vast construction movements.
of Mübârizeddîn Çavlı and Mübârizeddîn Ertokuş in order to punish small kingdom welcome the Sultan. Seljuks built a palace on the hill and on top of Also Bahaeddin Veled and his son Mevlânâ Ala ad-Din Kai Kobad I. play their instruments and sing their songs loudly. Alâeddin Keykubad, who noticed that Christian Kingdom of Cyprus the positions of the Seljuks and the related merchants were
In Palace on the Konya- Beyşehir route. Babası 1. Indeed, Mongols, under the command of One of the two palaces, of which the building dates are not known,
of Armenia threatening the trade routes coming from south, annexed İçel with Seljuk The greeting and congratulating the Sultan before they did, then Christians showed themselves alaaddİn keykubat kİmdİr? According to the Turkish-Islamic tradition, Emir Seyfeddin, Ayaba and Emir Bedreddin Gevhertaş were appointed as his Atabegs (Atabeg or … Konya'daki Alâeddin Camii, Niğde'deki Niğde Kalesi, Antalya'daki Yivli Minare Camii ve Beyşehir Kubâd-Âbâd Sarayları yaptırdığı en önemli eserlerdir.