There are several types of Wall Mounts, which correspond to the following weapons: M870, M1100, MP220, … Best Guns: Weapons To The Rescue! A l'instar d'un Fortnite ou d'un PUBG en 2D, vous devrez parcourir une grande carte à la recherche d'armes, de munitions et de différents bonus dans le but d'éliminer chaque adversaire qui aura le malheur de croiser votre chemin.

if you're unfortunate/stupid enough to get in rangeProps to you! But a 10 kill game was nice. The Wall Mount, referred to as the Gun Mount in the code, is a Crate added in the v0.6.0 "Bridges Of Sweatbath County" update on September 7, 2018. That's pretty much how I got all the kills.As some of you may know I have been in Tennessee for a couple days and couldn’t play just like M870, u can kill someone in one shotThis is probably my favorite combo in normal mode on mobile. Play, a free 2d battle royale io game in your browser!

Highlight . This shotgun is the second worst shotgun but is strong for close range enemy.Can kill someone in one shot if all the bullets are hit and do also a headshot.But it spreads bit so if u see someone getting attack, just shoot him, he will die.DA WORST SHOTGUN EVER, why? Nominated the MP220 page as a Good Article. it a good gun for some of the combos (like with SPAS-12)A long range shotgun that the bullets are tight together, very good for sniper combos but is bad when u a 8x scope bc the bullets stops, better have a 4x scope. Reply. (Kong need to fix this)A double barrel shotgun that shoots very fast but it reloads kind of longThe most player loves this shotgun bc it can kill someone easily, but not good for Far range enemy. It really is, though the SPAS isn't half bad either.You will get demolished if you run into this early game... Crap armor with 1/2x... game over.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castLike games such as PUBG, Fortnite or H1Z1 BR? Wall Mounts are only found in Cabins. 9. The Baikal MP220, known in-game as the MP220, is a Shotgun added in the v0.1.4 "Here comes the boomstick!" Archived. Small Pack holds the least (pouch is an exception), Regular Pack is in the middle, and Military Pack the most. share. The_ice_doge says: April 19, 2020 at 1:49 pm Your like ninja with blue hair ok. 9. Level 0: Pouch - The pouch is the backpack you start with in every game. Namely, you have the yellow, red, blue and green ones. Surviv.ioAuteur : - Joué 840,223 fois . I've never been able to use them myself, but I'm glad you mastered it.So you're saying that this meta is MP220-centered? A wiki dedicated to
Play, a free 2d battle royale io game in your browser! Press J to jump to the feed. although i use it too.. 13 comments.

MP220. 68% Upvoted. Posted by. r/survivio. Press J to jump to the feed. However, it also appeared in the Saloon, added during the "Gunfight at the Deadeye Saloon" update. Close.

Highlight . Yeah. best guns are designed to ensure maximum damage. 11 months ago. A bit rare to find but can easily find rare loots or even in the golden hutA good shotgun, the bullets stats and firing stats is kind of like M870, Saiga-12 and SPAS-12.but in pc this gun have a full pump sound but in mobile u can hear just half pump sound. // *easy*” Subscribe plz, I'm desperate says: April 19, 2020 at 1:49 pm how to use m870/mp220 combo quick switch shoot mp220 once then m870 then mp220 then m870 the fist if he's stil not dead. MP220はダブルバレルショットガン(二連散弾銃)です。 MP220は連射能力があるので敵の不意討ちに適する。この連射能力は2発はSaiga-12より速く弾を射出できる。(Saiga-12も連射は出来るが、一回撃つたびに約0.5秒のクールタイムがある、だがMP220はクールタイムなどが無い。 It does not drop upon death in current versions of the game and is not found on the map and is hidden from the HUD. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts log in sign up. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts.