Jul 14, 2018 @ 10:33pm The most expensive one. :DsDid you know Walker Bulldogs took out T-54s in Vietnam? The BT-7 reaches an incredible 35.7 hp/ton, with its predecessor reaching 34.8. The Periscope which let the crewman see 360 degrees without having to turn his body was sold to the British and stolen by the Germans and Russians. Then you have the BT-7, going at an even higher 86 km/h.

Pretty much nothing used Christie after the T-34. Best Airmobile Tanks. It was reliable, got the job done, and (most importantly) was very comfortable for the two crewmen. M551 Sheridan. He just sold it to the Russians.And the Russians made sure that the Americans regret refusing to use Christie suspension.meh, I don't see how the Americans would of regretted Christie suspension. I mean yeah the lack of radios and 3 man turrets were setbacks, but what really killed their ability as an effective fighting force was that paranoid ba***** at the top with his purges.To think that the Russians had arguably had the best tanks before 1942....except maybe the French.To think that the Russians had arguably had the best tanks before 1942....except maybe the French.It was American design. ugh. SHIELD and CRUSH *HTU* I was thinking it might be interesting to make a video about tanks, but I'm not sure what to do. Join us Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North America, Northern Hemisphere.War Thunder, Aerogami and Origami, Listening to radio in the middle of the night, and WWII.Glorious Japanese planes, ramming things, ground pounding, Ki-102 otsu© 2020 by Gaijin Games Kft. G) The most important improvements were the introduction of a new ZF Aphon SSG48 gearbox and  Maybach HL 66 P 6-cylinder engine (180hp) which was a fairly large step up which increased it's top speed road speed from 40km/h to whopping 60km/h, with a road range of 290km (previously 200km)  The side armour was also increased to 20mm, and a new FuG12 MW radio was installed which allowed for longer range communication. In relation to the 5cm Luch's the paper VK1602 would be pretty good. Just look at this This thing would beat your inferior light tanks in a drag race any day. I?

This tank set the standards for all tanks after it with the classical turret and separated engine and crew compartments.Czech 38t. Towing. I? If I'm not mistaken the most produced light tank of WWII and was the first US crewed tank to see tank versus tank combat in WW2. Frustration...Air mobile/light tanks. Use them as gunnery practice or training.

I've always been a fan of tanks like the Merkava with the creww behind the engine compartment.

Dr Mad. But the Brits used the Tetrarch in Normandy. Published by Gaijin Network Ltd. under the exclusive license. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Best German Premium Tanks?

This was the tank that rolled through China down to India. It was made in the early 1950s. Christie suspension has a number of inherent problems that would of posed several problems, say if it was incorporated on the Sherman.Compared to the VVSS the Sherman used the Christie wasB) More difficult to access (since it was inside the tank)C) Severely reduced internal volume (the spring needed a lot of space to allow for sufficient travel, this would of posed quite a lot of internal constraints on the Sherman, which was a pretty narrow tank due to shipping constraints) Conversely VVSS occupied absolutely zero internal volume (since the bogies were bolted onto the hull).It's plus side (and really its only plus side) was that it allowed high off-road speeds to be achieved but once HVSS, Horstmann and Torsion bars had come around/developed enough, the use of Christie suspension was over.