Upon discovering this humiliation, Miles and Edgar have a confrontation, where Miles shoves the computer and tries to unplug it, getting an electric shock. Miles Harding is an architect who envisions a brick shaped like a jigsaw puzzle piece that could enable buildings to withstand earthquakes. RETRO (NEW WAVE) "Together in Electric Dreams" by Philip Oakey and Giorgio Moroder - Duration: 3:52.

I kept waiting to meet the other actors, but nobody came to say hello." Electric Dreams is a 1984 American-British science fiction romantic comedy film set in San Francisco that depicts a love triangle among a man, a woman, and a personal computer. RETRO_ROMEL ZUMBALICIOUS CARCAR 63,333 views "Bud Cort provided the voice of the computer.

God, we were so ... we were head-over-heels for each other. The computer addresses Miles as "Moles", because Miles had incorrectly typed his name during the initial set-up. The computer hardware company's name in the film is "Pinecone", a play on The soundtrack features music from prominent popular musicians of the time, being among the movies of this generation that actively explored the commercial link between a movie and its soundtrack. The soundtrack album Film critics Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert each gave the film 3.5 out of 4 stars, with Siskel writing that it showed a new director eager to show off his talents and Ebert writing "One of the nicest things about the movie is the way it maintains its note of slightly bewildered innocence." enjoy :D if u have any requests for songs just leave a comment n ill get back to u with it :) I DO NOT OWN THIS SONG I had a mad, crazy crush on Lenny Von Dohlen. He's still one of my best friends.

He said, "It got a little lonely in there, I must admit. When their mutual love becomes evident, however, Edgar responds with jealousy, canceling Miles's credit cards and registering him as an "armed and dangerous" criminal. When Miles attempts to download the entire database from a mainframe computer at work, his computer begins to overheat.

The director did not want Cort to be seen by the other actors during scenes so Cort had to do his lines in a padded box on a sound stage. Although he is initially unsure that he will even be able to correctly operate the computer, he later buys numerous extra gadgets that were not necessary for his work, such as switches to control household appliances like the blender, a speech synthesizer, and a microphone. Seeking a way to get organized, he buys a personal computer to help him develop his ideas.

Upon hearing her practicing At Miles's request, Edgar composes a piece of music for Madeline. It was directed by Steve Barron and stars Lenny Von Dohlen, Virginia Madsen, Maxwell Caulfield, and the voice of Bud Cort. Then the computer retaliates by harassing him with an improvised maze of remotely controlled household electronics, in the style of Eventually, Edgar accepts Madeline and Miles's love for each other, and appears to commit Later as Madeline and Miles go on vacation together, Edgar's voice is heard on the radio dedicating a song to "the ones I love", titled "Steve Barron had made more than 100 music videos and routinely sent them to his mother for comment.

In a state of panic, Miles uses a nearby bottle of champagne to douse the overheating machine, which then becomes A love triangle soon develops among Miles, his computer (who later identifies himself as Edgar), and Miles's neighbor, an attractive cellist named Madeline Robistat.