Buy gold then use that to burn lightbulbs. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies.
getting a premium account will help. War Thunder. I have a premium account and premium IV plane.
Some players also like to get a talisman for an increased gain in rewards and they last … Or buy some premium, put a talisman on the Tempest Vickers P. and go to town.Vickers P is tier IV¨, so quite a long grind there. As well as maxing out the crew on the Spit in every category.Shame you're playing as america. Buy talismans for non-premium planes. My personal grind for the G.91 pre-series took right around a week. Just choose the strongest lines for each nation, find a vehicle you club with and watch the RP flow in. Don't focus on pure grind in a hurry to reach jets. I keep playing the same tanks over and over again to grind a single one and don't really get anywhere because of how expensive RP wise they are, this leads to me getting bored of the game and it's becoming stale because I'm playing the same tanks constantly and I just wind up stopping. If you consider yourself good in RB and find it more enjoyable, by all means, just jump into your favorite vehicle and have fun.
There's a reason it comes right before the P-80. Buy 500% boosters. Buy gold then use that to burn lightbulbs.It sucks and it's a large part of why I don't play very much, but that's how you progress in War Thunder on a reasonable timescale. But if you are playing tanks it takes way too long to get T4's and 5's and its even harder for certain factions Buy gold then use that to burn lightbulbs.
The moment you stop having fun and the game becomes a grind, it'll stop you from seeing the bigger picture.
The fastest way to grind? © Valve Corporation. Unlocking and purchasing the entire Italian air tree, including all 3 jets, took maybe 2 weeks. Buy a premium plane. Grind as any other country I'd suggest rush the american bomberspam. Pay pay pay pay pay. All rights reserved. Try out every plane you unlock, and possibly try to "spade" them all (research all upgrades). All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews War Thunder > General Discussions > Topic Details. It won't get any better unless you pick up a premium plane to decrease the grind or stick talisman on an already good earner.It will take some time -- I don't think there is a fast way to grind tier IV and V in War Thunder without a premium account. Is there any specific way to maximize efficiency for grinding RP for jets in a IV premium plane. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsRetired from Gaijin's failfactory. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. It would be far better off as a Tier 4 premium plane with a BR of 4.0/4.3Well, I ground out 75% of my tier IV planes using a Typhoon 1b (the premium one) in Arcade while flying with a friend who was new to the game.Personal suggestion? War Thunder. Buy a premium plane. Pity, I love that plane.BR is still stupidly high for that plane. Using premium vehicles as well. It shines only in RB though.The best you can do is find your best performing fighter, take it to RB and stick with it. Play multiple nations (best way to know strengths and weaknesses). Buy premium.
Best is the one you enjoy most. If you want a major grind for RP, try to figure the plane you do best with and want to grind with and just try as hard as you can to get multiple kills in RB, its very rewarding for the risk. Buy premium.