?I mean, Tempest ripping wings in 600 km/h?

Could almost be called op at 5.7 if the russian planes wasnt so op. This is all based on the original posters situation, new to British, and just levelling through. All the Spitfires are best at energyfighting really. Additionally with the MGs, pick your battles. The spits can turn much much faster like that!Ammo: Hispanos: Air Target belts (if you can aim with stealth).Despite of the powerful Planes like Tyhoon , Tempest, Griffons, Brits are good Turnfighters with adequate speed and good weaponry. The only bad ones in my opinion are the reserves, Gladiators, and the Swordfishes... the rest of them are pretty good (depends on your play style... and how skilled you are as a pilot)But the fighter version was a lot slower than the bomber version.edit to add source: De Havilland Aircraft Since 1909 by AJ Jackson Well, except for those players who actually KNOW how to counter my FW's and 109'sBritish fighters or bombers? Czechoslovak Air Force [CSAF] I'm trying to use tracer rounds now to see why this is.Turns: Use also the rudder to turn! The 20mm Hispano's honestly don't feel like they are anything but 7,7mms with less ammo. At low tiers just try to BnZ and try get on enemy tail.When a Yak is near, you are doomed. Always zoom. So overall this grind is not enjoyable AT ALL and I am HATING it All the Spitfires are best at energyfighting really. The tempest mk V is great. We stayed all the time on level terms.I don't recall gaining distance when I started diving and he followed.It is one of the most difficult planes to use effectively in AB.The IIb and the Vtrop are both br 3.7...I don't see the "to forget" point.I know that are both BR 3.7 but I reasoned tier by tier.The reason (just in my opinion, of course) is that IIb is (by far) the best Spitfire at Tier II, so I choose it for that tier.On the contrary, Vb/trop is IMHO the worst Spitfire at Tier III and if you want Spits at that level you have the other two (Vc and F. IX). ARR0W ╔ARR0W╕ with a mass burst per second of 2.20-2.60kg. I have never meet a ki84 ore n1k in my tempest ore meet a tempest in my ki84 ore n1k so i dont know if the fight would be fair?But the fighter version was a lot slower than the bomber version.But in game it's performing as if it has filled drop tanks welded to the wings. It cannot out run anything! I love both, they are my two fav nations to play in War Thunder and I constantly skip between them. Agree with Bentzen. As well as aircraft under performing (a couple overperforming). Never underestimate the RP from bombing, always take at least 1 bomber and unload it usefully if you're trying to level up.I've never gotten around to buying them (premium planes), but I know the Boomerang's are both lethal in the right hands.
British planes are offen out gunned because is most t1-t3 British fighter you only have 8x 7.7mm with a mass burst per second of 1.21kg, or u get 4x 7.7 and 2x 20mm.

Published by Gaijin Network Ltd. under the exclusive license. Otherwise you would know problems with Tier IV in British tree - Sea Fury, Tempests, Seafire FR 47 and others.So you obviously are not flying them are you? Shinten Seiku Tai [SSTai] Czechoslovak Air Force [CSAF] Been playing British exclusively for the past week or two with range of Spitfires from Mark IX down to Mark IIa (BR range 3.3 to 4.3).

WT-Freaktal -WTFK- Dead Mans Hand Squadron =DMH=

I can't get away from planes as easily as I can in my Americans by just out-speeding them and all the other nations just feel like they do everything my British do but better.

Britain needs A LOT of FM fixes. There are bad british planes. I know a great deal of German pilots and fans who still consider the Dora superior to the Tempest V, especially now its had its turning reduced and wing strength nerfed.

[spoiler]At alts above 6k :P[/spoiler] [spoiler]Like the wllington[/spoiler] And there are good british planes. Against 109's yeah makes sense, it was better than the 109. Squadron Vehicle Collection 211 [211] It recks all 190's Aton's yes, Doras not so much.