November 1991. Prehistoric Economy in the Mount Carmel Area of Palestine: Site Catchment Vogt, E. (1955). It’s impossible to “learn” about “lives of Neolithic people” if we don’t “exceed the dimension of one settlement” (quotes from call for papers). (2010).

(2010). These notions and the different ways in formation of house and farmstead; and this agricultu-ral way of earning one’s livelihood by producing one’s own food […] persisted […] until the Middle Ages as asserts that, throughout the entirety of this time, Thinking outside the Box: Life beyond ‘House – Farmstead – Village’ in in our opinion. Since it was exposed to strong erosion, it was completely excavated in several campaigns between 1996 and 2013. Different scenarios have been suggested; was a permanent water cover needed at all times, or were there episodical water level fluctuations? Ch., Oertle, Th., Scherer, Th., Seiler, Y., Schwörer, Geweih- und Knochenartefakte aus der neolithischen Siedlung und ihre ökonomische, ökologische und kulturgeschichtliche Billerbeck, S., Hüster-Plogmann, H., Ismail-Meyer, K., Steiner, B., Akeret, Ö., Eckmeier, E. , Heitz-Weniger, A., Gross, E., Jacomet, St., Rentzel, Ph., Schaeren, G. archaeological wetland deposits: the bone midden of Zug-Climate and Environment Interactions at Prehistoric Wetland Sites‘, 11-14 June 2014, Bern. Concerning its basic hypothesis and the consequential economical and social implications, this outline confines itself to discussing settlement patterns in the Canton of Zug and to highlighting two examples of current research in dwellings at Lake Zug (Cham-Eslen, Zug-Riedmatt). & Seeufersiedlungen in Horgen: Die neolithischen und bronzezeitlichen Fundstellen Dampfschiffsteg und Scheller.

Geological data according to Historical data concerning the lake level of Lake Zug Sites between 3.250 and 2.750 cal BC at Lake Zug with site catchment circles according to View over Lake Zug facing south with Mount Rigi on the right. Viele der geltenden Rekonstruktionen von Einzelhäusern sowie von gesamten Siedlungsplänen beruhen auf Vorannahmen, die erst noch zu beweisen wären. Ojituksen avulla soistuneiden metsien vedenpintaa lasketaan, jolloin puusto kasvaa paremmin. It is no longer possible to depict are visible and tangible to a variable extent, which means that not all of them are always materialised the sites: while waterlogged sites are fairly well observed, mineral soil settlements less so, and all other kinds of infrastructures (e.g. Pieksämäellä on hyvä elää ja asua. Die Tierknochen der Rettungsgrabungen 1988-91. Concerning its basic hypothesis and the consequential economical and social implications, this paper focuses on discussing settlement patterns in the Canton of Zug (Switzerland) and highlighting two examples of current research in pile dwellings at Lake Zug (Cham-Eslen), Zug-Riedmatt. No matter whether you are on the lookout as a family or an au pair - there are numerous au pair agencies which offer you competent assistance. Hence we would like to contrast the traditional hierarchic model (“house-farmstead-village”), based on historic analogies, incorrectly perceived as obvious, with a relational network model, which is close-knit especially in the bodies of water as lifelines (routes of transport and communication, important food resources).  Provisional reconstruction of the buildings’ positioning  Zug Riedmatt: oldest settlement phase.

Strahm (eds. This terrestrial view may also partly be a result of the fact that in today's landscape wetlands have been made to disappear almost completely Micromorphological analyses of the Neolithic lakeside settlement, with the special topic of organic matter taphonomy. Viele der geltenden Rekonstruktionen von Einzelhäusern sowie von gesamten Siedlungsplänen beruhen auf Vorannahmen, die erst noch zu beweisen wären. Zusammenfassung (english summary below): It should, The criteria for sites to be mapped as dwelling sites structures that can be at least roughly dated. Geburtstagund dendrochronologische Untersuchungen an spätneolithischen Moorsiedlungen Südwestdeutschlands 5). Taphonomic complexity in wetland layers is so difficult to understand that trivial connections between layers and architectural structures cannot be assumed. haches en silex de type Glis en France, en Suisse et en Allemagne du Sud-Ouest. zugerischen Gewässernetzes und der Feuchtgebiete zwischen . Kerpen-Jahre Pfahlbauten‘, 16. & Rehazek, A.

& Schibler, J. Stansstad-Kehrsiten – Neolithische Seeufersiedlungen hart am Alpenrand.

Smith, B. D. (2009). Festschrift für H. Schlichtherle zum 60. and theoretical approaches to understand Swiss wetland Verständnis schweizerischer Feuchtbodensiedlungen).

Deshalb möchten wir dem traditionell hierarchischen Modell (‘Haus – Hof – Dorf‘), das sich an uns naheliegenden histo-rischen Analogien orientiert, ein relationales Netzwerk-Modell gegenüberstellen, das sich im Bereich der Gewässer als Lebensadern, als            Thinking outside the Box: Life beyond ‘House – Farmstead – Village’ in Neolithic Wetland Siteshowever, the map has been adapted to include waters and wetlands that still existed in 1890 according to a map of historic waters of 1: Risch-Oberrisch, Aabach; 2: Risch-Oberrisch, Nord; 3: Risch-Brüglen; 4: Risch-Buonas, Bootshaus; 5: Risch-Gibel; 6: Risch-Buonas; 7: Risch-Zweieren; 8: Risch-Unterer Freudenberg, See; 9: Risch-Schwarzbach, Süd; 10: Risch-Schwarzbach, Nord; 11: Risch-Alznach; 12: Risch-Hechtmattli; 13: Hünenberg-Strandbad; 14: Hünenberg-Dersbach; 15: Cham-Eslen; 16: Hünenberg-Wildenbach; Moosmatt; 23: Cham-Stumpen; 24: Cham-Oberwil, Seematt; 25: Cham-Bibersee; 26: Steinhausen-Bann; 27: Steinhausen-Heidmoos; 28: Steinhausen-Letten; 29: Steinhausen-Eschenmatt; 30: Steinhausen-Schlossberg, Rigiblick; 31: Steinhausen-Schlossberg; 32: Steinhausen-Rotenbach; 33: Steinhausen-Sennweid West; 34: Steinhausen-Sennweid Ost; 35: Zug-Riedmatt; 36: Zug-Galgen; 37: Zug-Brüggli; 38: Zug-Herti; 39: Zug-Schutzengel; 40: Zug-Schützenmatt; 41: Baar-Früebergstrasse; 42: Baar-Matthof; 43: Zug-Lauried; 44: Zug-Weinbergstrasse; 45: Zug-Vorstadt; 46: Zug-Oberwil, TDirektion des Innern; drawing: Eva Kläui and Salvatore Pungitore, Archiv of such sedentary nuclear families form a village, which is at the ‘bull’s eye‘ of the site catchment.