How do I remove the panther and choose something at level 2?Just click the icon below the Panther (with two arrow icons), and you should be able to replace it with a lower level tank; if you haven’t got anything suitable then use the “Send on holiday” option to leave the slot empty until you finish research on something do you research a level 1 uk aircraft is there is nothing before it, i really need 2 know as im researching a lv 1 bomber nowJust pick the aircraft you want to research if there’s nothing before it in the tree, there’s no special requirements, you’ll research it with whatever you fly.Great guide. It is only visible to you. If you open up the Research window (as in the first screenshot here), the vehicle you’re researching has a bar underneath showing research progress, you can hover over it to show the details (the second screenshot shows the BB-1 with 1442 Research Points out of the 4080 needed to unlock it). 1 reply; 82 views; ThedepthPunisher; June 13; Is there a guide about how to choose a nation? This was really helpful!

usa airplanes are so fast than bf109 ,even the first, outmaneuber and outperform it on speed

The Guide for all aircraft in Warthunder from the 1.0 Battle Rating Biplanes to the 9.0 Jets and covers all the nations.

RP contribute towards unlocking modifications for the planes you were flying (covered in a To see all the exciting planes you’ll (eventually) be able to fly, click the “Research” button in the hanger:The Russian tech tree; not to be confused with the Russian techno treeAircraft are divided into five ranks or eras, broadly chronologically but with some adjustments to account for performance in a game context, for example the German Do 217 J series heavy fighters in Rank II are derived from the Do 217 E bomber in Rank III.
I’m a new War Thunder-er and I … Aircraft you own have a blue background, aircraft you can research have a slightly darker blue background, aircraft that aren’t available for research yet have a red background. You can buy further crew slots with gold eagles if you want, but five planes should last through most battles unless you’re particularly bold and/or unlucky. You forgot to add that USSR aircraft put fires out very easily and reliably. If you click the yellow lightbulb at the top of the screen you should get the “Accelerated Research” window for the plane or tank you’re currently researching, and you can adjust the slider to spend Eagles to convert RP. In this guide, We try to focus on Crew Skills: Tank Realistic Battles in War Thunder game. Research Prizes! Thanks!I am trying to reasearch the PBY but there is nothing before it. For a new USSR player looking for a fighter there’s either the I-16 Type 18, the LaGG-3-8 or, if you click on the I-15, then the next option in that stack is the I-15bis. )I’m afraid you probably won’t be able to stick to heavy bombers only; you need to research 4-6 aircraft at each Rank (the roman numeral on the left of the research screen) before you unlock the next one so you’ll have to branch out a little bit.What I want to know is how to use the ‘accelerated research” button. I am fighting with level 1 tanks. I have no Chinese tanks to speak of, so I'm not adding a section on them since I can't really speak for them except to say that they're generally lend-lease tanks that are essentially clones with no real distinguishing features that I can tell.You need to sign in or create an account to do that. You also get convertible research points that you can convert into regular research points using Gold Eagles, the total of these is shown at the top of the screen next to the yellow light bulb icon.Anyway~! War Thunder > Guides > Pixelshady's Guides This item has been removed from the community because it violates Steam Community & Content Guidelines.

I literally started researching 2 hours ago and I don’t think it went up at all I’m new btwA Beginner’s Guide to War Thunder – Researching New Aircraft Once unlocked, you need to buy the new plane with silver lions (the “Research” button under the plane turns into a “Buy” button), and then put it into service. If you’re not sure, or like a bit of a mix, then research one of each!This was really helpful! It’s not a bad way of using some of the Eagles you get from tutorials to finish off some early research when you really want a new plane, but it gets pretty expensive later on so I wouldn’t worry too much, unless you have plenty of spare cash. Another battle or two should be enough to finish the research, especially if the team wins (victories grant a hefty RP bonus). As the game currently is with the British tank line being implemented in chunks, will the RP accumulate with an unspecified vehicle and then I’ll be able to use said points when the tanks are released?

Mistakingly, I put a german panther (5.7) into research. More War Thunder Guides:Heavy Tanks Guide.How to Kill Heavies.Taking Advantage of Ash River.How to Melee Fight with Tanks.How to Grind with the AMX-13 (SS.11).How to Play French Tier 1 Ground Vehicles.Overview of the Russian Air Fighter Tech Tree.A guide … Compared to other vehicles at their BR, they ARE fairly heavily armored, but that most definitely does not mean they won't get one-shot.

For ground attack the BB-1 and Su-2 series have a useful combination of guns and bombs, and lead to the Il-2 Sturmovik; for heavier bombing there’s the SB series. All rights reserved. Back to Main Page Aircraft Gameplay Tactics Basic air combat tactics, Torpedo Bombing, Basic Fighter Maneuvers, Air Combat Maneuvering (ACM), Ramming (Tactic) After each battle you are awarded with Research Points (RP), and what do Research Points make?
Over on the right hand side of the tree are Premium and Gift aircraft, with a yellow/gold background.

(Fulgore, I’m looking at you! Does the bullet say they won't get one-shot? The guide will exclusively focus on Tank Realistic Battles.

Some aircraft, such as the I-15, SB and Su-2, have a little tab in the top left corner of their icon; these are stacks of planes, if you click one then a window should pop up with two or more variants of that plane. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact

Second best turnfighters in the game but bad energy retention in comparison to germans and americans, always try to have more energy than them Need help downloading War Thunder CDK By Le_French_Baget, June 13.