Op deze website gebruiken we cookies om content en advertenties te personaliseren, om functies voor social media te bieden en om ons websiteverkeer te analyseren. Other small changes include: The level "Outpost" now takes place at night, and the sun slowly sets during the level "Dead City". Critics praised 4A Games for fixing the apparent gameplay missteps featured in its predecessors, and noted that the combat was improved, satisfying and riveting.The story received mixed critical reviews. Dazu kommen weitere 10 Stunden Bonusinhalte. All other trademarks, logos and copyrights are property of their respective owners. Fans of the original game will find the unique world of Metro transformed with incredible lighting, physics and dynamic weather effects. The first pack, the The gameplay was generally well received.
Eine ganze Generation ist bereits unterirdisch geboren und großgezogen worden. Metro: Redux is a PlayStation 4 and Xbox One project is from the acclaimed team behind the Metro shooter series. In the "good" ending, later revealed as the canonical ending, Artyom prepares to destroy the bunker but is stopped by the little Dark One, who, along with the awakened Dark Ones, defeats Korbut's army. Altersfreigabe En route, he finds a contingent of Red Line forces massacring the inhabitants of a station, supposedly to contain a mysterious epidemic. Duik snel in het ondergrondse … Metro Redux is a post-apocalyptic first-person shooter, and a two-part remake of Metro 2033 and Metro Last Light for next-generation consoles. Ook delen we informatie over uw gebruik van onze site met onze partners voor social media, adverteren en analyse. Beide Versionen wurden mit der neuesten und ausgefeiltesten Version der 4A Engine für NextGen-Konsolen und PC neu aufgearbeitet. Metro (Russian: Метро) is a franchise consisting of novels and video games, which began with the release of Dmitry Glukhovsky's Metro 2033 novel in 2005. Praise was focused largely on its atmosphere, world design, tone, graphics, and gameplay, while criticism was directed particularly at the artificial intelligence and technical issues. Last Light Redux was released as a DRM-free game on GOG.com in May 2015. One of the key goals of 4A Games was to improve and refine numerous aspects of Another of the team's goals was to make players feel unsettled after playing the game, and present gameplay moments that would make them worry and feel vulnerable.The world is created to be believable. Red Line soldiers surround and prepare to execute Artyom and Miller. However, the game's sales surprised THQ, and as a result, the publisher considered the first game a missed opportunity, and began to treat After the auction, Deep Silver announced that the title would be released on 14 May 2013 in North America, 16 May 2013 in Australia and New Zealand, and 17 May 2013 in Europe for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360.Those who pre-ordered the game received a limited edition of Additionally, four DLC packs were released. Metro Redux ist die ultimative Zweifach-Spielesammlung, einschließlich der definitiven Versionen von sowohl Metro 2033 als auch Metro: Last Light. Metro 2033 Redux ist eine überarbeitete Version des Kultklassikers „Metro 2033“. Zwei unterschiedliche Spielstile sowie der Rangermodus sorgen dafür, dass das Spiel viele weitere Stunden erneut gespielt werden kann!Zwei unterschiedliche Spielstile: “Spartaner” und “Überleben” – gehen Sie die Kampagne als tief wirkenden Survival-Horror an oder nutzen Sie die Kampffähigkeiten eines Sparta-Rangers. The compilation package, titled Metro Redux, included both the remastered versions of 2033 and Last Light. Du bist Artyom, geboren in den letzten Tagen vor dem Feuer, aber groß geworden im Untergrund. Metro 2033 Redux und Last Light Redux katapultieren euch tief in eine "strahlende" Zukunft voller improvisierter Technik, dunkler Schächte und Krawallmutanten, die euch ans Leder wollen. Artyom calls the little Dark One humanity's "last light of hope".