Wirecard AG: Termination employment contract Dr. Markus Braun. Firma de audit Ernst & Young, care a refuzat să certifice bilanţul Wirecard pentru 2019, a recunoscut că au existat "indicii clare cu privire la o fraudă de mare amploare, care implicau mai multe părţi din întreaga lume şi diverse instituţii", iar această declaraţie ar putea să se întoarcă împotriva sa.
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By continuing to browse the site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Our experts share their knowledge and experience with youLearn more about the success stories of our customersLearn more about innovative payment solutions and products by WirecardHere we provide you with deep insights - studies, infographics and reportsHere you will find tutorials and a direct contact to our support teamHow customers use our solutions and what services we offerFind the perfect solution for you and your industryHow digital enterprises can make their payment processes simple and secureOmnichannel and more: what’s driving the growth of today’s physical retailHow the travel & mobility sector is reinventing itself with optimized payment processesFinTechs and financial institutions find an innovative partner in WirecardFrom visionaries to innovation drivers: learn who and what are behind Wirecard and its businessPress releases, media reports, and events: stay up to date on everything related to Wirecard#wirecard: Connect with us on social media and stay informed about trends and new topicsWe’re looking for talented individuals: Join our team and actively help to create the future of paymentsLearn about Wirecard from annual reports, presentation, news, and moreWhat will the future of payment be like? We offer our customers a constantly growing ecosystem of value-added services related to digital payment transactions: online, mobile and at the point of sale. You can change your cookie settings at any time. German payments processor has battled allegations of fraud, forgery and opaque business links. DGAP-News 27/06/2020.

DGAP-Ad-hoc 30/06/2020. SIF Transilvania (SIF3), societate care la finalul lunii iunie 2020 avea un număr de 12.000 de acţiuni Wirecard, la fel precum cel din T1/2020 dar cu o valoare a investiţiei de doar 330.000 de lei, faţă de 6,6 mil. IMPORTANT: Our Card Services Team will NEVER contact you by phone, email or text message for your card information, like your card number or PIN (if you have one) unless you contact us first. Preluarea de informaţii poate fi făcută numai în acord cu termenii agreaţi şi menţionaţi in