I'm pretty sure this is WoW to blame, so many other comments say similar. United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandBasically, NO. Random. I played 2 very good games in Duke of York and both were defeats because teams were really really bad. Not available in tzar country) If you can still hear the action the problem is at your end. Since about a month and a half ago, I suddenly started experiencing regular lag spikes and server disconnects when playing this game. Hello, I've been playing World Of Warships for years without incident. Nothing has changed on my computer setup, nothing has changed in my internet and I run no mods. Basically, there are three possibilities afaik. After the recent patch, my clanmates and I have experienced a significant number of disconnects upon loading in, or just not loading in at all. In my experience, when the problems are at the server end, the forum will quickly respond to this. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. Discussion. Just because you don't have issues doesn't mean the system is working perfectly and anyone claiming to have problems is lying. Insane amounts of disconnects/not loading in after the patch. Fix your damn game wargaming, I put plenty of … We had a … ; 2020-06-11 Ship Comparison added for testing. until one day after a small patch the problem ceased to exist as swiftly as it began. SURE WIN, you say?
I suspect WG are already well aware of this and looking into the problem but I have had more disconnects on EU in the last three days than I have had in, probably, 6 months. Just me, or is it an issue at the moment, certainly a few fellow Twitch watchers have had the same issue? Always reconnects immediately. 2020-04-18 Ads added, disabled by default. I play this game through the Steam Network. Since last update, many disconnects. It usually kicks me back to the Steam homepage. This is fucking rediculous. If you can still hear the game happening while having white/blackscreen you didn't disconnect and it's not a server issue but on your end!
Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of warships and aircraft from the first half of the 20th century. Insane amounts of disconnects/not loading in after the patch. I suspect WG are already well aware of this and looking into the problem but I have had more disconnects on EU in the last three days than I have had in, probably, 6 months. Tried again today, got terrible server response and a dc. Black screen or white screen, you can sometimes even hear your ship getting wrecked. Close. Which means you can use more than 4 GB ram and more than one core in your processor.
; 2020-04-30 Google Ad enabled by default while making adjustment. With very good isp connection.Like the X64 optimisation. Game client crashing or display driver or some such causing havoc in your own machine (maybe some compatibility or capacity issue), it is not at the server end or a disconnect for sure.Best to get a screenshot and crash report and open support ticket. Getting disconnected out of games many times a session. 25.
Feel free to opt in or out. There were only myself in Boise and this enemy Friedrich left, adrenaline pumping, whole team was cheering me on after a tight see-saw game, all guns loaded for the final death-blow, victory hung in the balance by a thread. Posted by u/[deleted] 2 years ago. I'm afraid she's right @_Chancer lad.
Sorry to say, haven't experienced any problems apart from an occasional stutter in battle.
@DjZine @XboxSupport world of warships serves problem disconnect 5 times and more please check it out 2020-08-19 14:16:08 @Inland_Steel @WorldofWarships are the servers down? Get the finger out WoW and stop hiding behind flow menu which neve give a proper conclusion. You need to play a total of 50 battles to post in this section. Several times a week I get disconnected and the game cannot reconnect unless I close it down completely and reopen. You just hear general combat noise, not any action noise directly relating to the game. I have less disconnects in Men of War games with people on the other side of the planet who don't speak any English. @DjZine @XboxSupport world of warships serves problem disconnect 5 times and more please check it out Aug. 19, 2020, 10:16 a.m. @Inland_Steel @WorldofWarships are the servers down? I've had the game running flawlessly without crashes until a patch hit the serves and then get regular game crashes every second to third game no matter what I tried for several months, been in contact and sending WG support literal gigabytes worth of crashdumps, memory logs, etc. 2020-08-06 New flags will be added later. None of the other online games I play are experiencing this.
♡ With the recent German CV update I can just sit in port for 5 minutes and it will disconnect me. Get the finger out WoW and stop hiding behind flow menu which neve give a proper conclusion.