The low turret also limited the maximum depression of the main gun, since the gun breech had little room inside the turret to pivot on its vertical axis. Der IS-3 in World of Tanks In World of Tanks ist der IS-3 ein Tier VIII Heavy Panzer dem man auf dem weg zum IS-7 begegnet und gehört zu denn häufig gespielten Tier … However, please remember that this consumable needs to be replenished after each battle, which means BIA (Ive done this for all the crew first as Just wanted the extra improvements it gives.) Go here and check TOP 10 tanks rankings. Selecting another region may affect the website content. When not at top tier, as with the IS, it becomes more rewarding to be "plucky", or clever, especially in T10 games, as if you join your fellow T10 heavies you will be out-alpha'd and creamed by higher tier enemy tanks, especially tanks like the E100 and E75 on flat terrain if you are unable to flank fast enough. Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately) required on Xbox consoles.
Although both tanks sport 122 mm guns, their characteristics are different: the BL-9 on the original IS-3 has better values in standard shell penetration and accuracy, whereas the IS-3 A's D-25TA has the advantage when it comes to its rate of fire and premium shell penetration. All rights reserved. The IS-3 will find itself at home on urban It cannot be stressed enough how glorious of a gun the BL-9 is to those used to having only 175mm of penetration. However, unlike in the IS, you have a ridiculously strong turret, particularly from the front. They are displayed solely for educational purposes. "" and "World of Tanks", and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wargaming in the USA and other countries. Standard Gun Using Shell Type 3 (530 Damage): With wholly penetrating hits Theoretical Damage Per Minute Nominal DPM: 2162.4 50% Crew: 1743.7 75% Crew: 1998.1 100% Crew: 2257.8 100% Crew
The 122m A19 had been around since the 1930’s and had an established manufacturing infrastructure behind it, which also supported the decision to adopt it as the main gun. Both the gunner and commander are considered "loaders" and it may be worthwhile to train safe-stowage on one of them. Enforce your supremacy when at top tier, especially if the opposing team has no IS-3 of their own.
At 500m, the A-19's BR-471B APBC could penetrate up to 157mm.
During the Six Day War, a single regiment of IS-3M tanks was stationed with the 7th Infantry Division at Rafah; the 125th Tank Brigade of the 6th Mechanized Division at Kuntilla was also equipped with about 60 IS-3M tanks. This vehicle has been anticipated by the Community quite strongly, especially by those players who follow the USSR heavy tanks' line and/ or enjoy the performance of the original If you are sure that your tank won’t get set on fire regularly, a good idea would be to Please note that the Commander and Gunner both take over the Loader's duties, skills, and perks.
Also, don't forget that you fire primarily APCR shells, which means that they fly faster than AP, so make sure to take that into consideration when firing at moving targets.If you like the Soviet heavies, the IS series in particular, you will definitely love the IS-3 A! Than for the second skill, pick repairs for the commander and loader, snap shot for the gunner and off road driving for the driver. The main down-side of the IS-3A is that its unique crew layout makes it a poor crew-trainer, since none of the Russian heavy tanks have an auto-loader. Our website uses cookies so that we can provide a better service. This is a very good value minding your caliber, which means that you are capable of hitting the enemy hard and a lot faster than what they would expect.