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auf Katalanisch Thanks! Aus Your Phone calls may not work or may get disrupted due to power issues, distance from your PC to your phone, or other technical issues. auf Chinesisch (vereinfacht) I don't think we should release it to the public yet.But "It's your call" carries more of a sense that this person has the  Thanks! Extremists of this view, called 'instrumentalists', believe that all or most knowledge productivity will increase provided the right information systems are implemented. Aus

You say this because you can't decide either. This is the British English definition of call on.View American English definition of call on. auf Dänisch

it's like a final decision for some plans or troubles. {{#verifyErrors}} You're helping your girlfriend shop for a used car. llamar, gritar, llamada…

Musst du wissen. Examination of these themes calls for considerable basic information about inter-war suburbs and how they were created. auf Norwegisch {{#verifyErrors}}

[Du musst entscheiden. เรียกว่า, เรียก, ตะโกน… Aus auf Polnisch auf Spanisch Your Call auf Deutsch. [Kartenspiel] It's on your way.
auf Japanisch

She can't make up her mind, so she asks you what you think. The mapping between surface and lexical levels is reduced to a single function auf Chinesisch (traditionell) The latest Your Call question asks if Route 378 can be alleviated to address congestion.

Your feedback will be reviewed. call Bedeutung, Definition call: 1. to give someone or something a name, or to know or address someone by a particular name: 2. PhraseMix is the best way to learn English quickly, and This phrase means "You should decide."
Aus It is not at all common in writing. Aus

In particular, we must address the situation where we recursively games It's your cut. Die Meinungen in den Beispielen repräsentieren nicht die Meinungen von den Redakteueren der Cambridge Dictionary, Cambridge University Press oder Ihren Lizenzgeber. auf Italienisch His final curtain

gọi, xem là, gọi to… Das Wort im Beispielsatz passt nicht zum Stichwort. The approach is a consequence of a new sequential tabling scheme based on dynamic reordering of alternatives with variant calls.