In the west of the Caspian area, you’ll find a large beached boat base full of Slaver bandits. Sometimes we include links to online retail stores. Get all the best bits of VG247 delivered to your inbox every Friday! All Rights Reserved. On the southeastern tip of the main central island of Volga, you’ll find a gas station full of bandit enemies.
Be careful, the wagon is full of traps.Inside the wagon, you will find a lot of resources helpful in crafting items later in the game.Watch on your feet. Inside is a wrist-mounted Metal Detector.

The machine is empty - find the right fuel tank to pour fuel into the machine.Go behind the building - you will find a full fuel tank. The note is behind the locked door - open them with force.

now you as Artyom must lead the Spartan Rangers and escape post-apocalyptic Russia towards a new life in the east.Throughout the game, you will be able to unlock and upgrade new weapon upgrades, suit upgrades, Mask upgrades, and more.The only problem with upgrades is that they are missable and are tucked at various parts of the map which can be a bit difficult to find.So in this guide, you will find the location of all the upgrades to increase Artyom’s capabilities.Copyright © 2020 Prodigygamers. In the same bandit camp as you found the Extra Ammo Vest, you can rescue some villagers from the main building with a white skull painted on it by melee attacking the lock on their cage. Metro Exodus has been finally released by Developer 4A Games and Publisher Deep Silvers. This page in our guide to Metro Exodus focuses on upgrades in the Caspian Sea. If you see a string like the one in the picture above - cut it.

This means you have to upgrade your gear on a regular basis to be more resistant to enemy attacks. It returns in Metro Exodus, but has once again undergone fundamental changes to make the experience more customisable. Hop over the side, then carefully disarm the booby trapped entrance to the cockpit. All the Metro Exodus map locations: every upgrade and side mission you need to find By Leon Hurley 17 January 2020 Don’t miss anything in Metro Exodus with our full map guide There are a lot of enemies inside, so it’s a bit of a slog to make it, but on the top floor you’ll find a safehouse through a wire-mesh door. From there, you can go to the next room.You will find a corpse with a battery charge controller upgrade.In Volga you will come across an abandoned building.

Use a melee attack on the lock and it’ll break off, leaving you free to waltz inside and mosey off with the Throwing Ammo Vest. You can eliminate them stealthily. Remember to wear a Also, this place has a journal. As a reward, they’ll give you the key to a secret cache inside The Terminal. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners.Copyright © 2000 - 2020 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. Open it by using the handle next to the door.Go through the hole to reach the rooftop. We’ve kept them in the same order as the video above for reference. now you as Artyom must lead the Spartan Rangers and escape post-apocalyptic Russia towards a new life in the east.Throughout the game, you will be able to unlock and upgrade new weapon upgrades, suit upgrades, Mask upgrades, and more.The only problem with upgrades is that they are missable and are tucked at various parts of the map which can be a bit difficult to find.So in this guide, you will find the location of all the upgrades to increase Artyom’s capabilities.Copyright © 2020 Prodigygamers. Interact with the fuse box on the wall, then open the locked door behind you.
After that, sneak inside the building.You will see the upgrade right after you enter the building (even though the room is dark).There are two islands south of the tracks (they are marked in the picture above). Go under it, and you will find a hideout.The hideout has a lot of resources. Once you’ve cleaned the mud out of your boots, ditched your sweaty gloves, and left the squelchy Volga River behind, Artyom will arrive in the Caspian area.

No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. They include things like a All of the upgrades are well hidden, with some tasking you with environmental puzzles to obtain. To the right of the workbench, you’ll find the final upgrade. This way you won't have to fight. It will help you navigate through dark locations.You can find the compass right after you start playing on the new map. It’s between the two larger southern islands. The wagon has five traps. To get the Unlike most games, you have multiple chances to collect suit upgrades in Metro Exodus, however these are the first instances where they appear. This will let you at the Battery. You can see it from the distance thanks to candles.The night vision can be turned on and off whenever you want to.