Aardvark has a Bachelor of Science Degree in the Behavioral Dynamics of Edible Ants. Both terms refer to the lowest academic degree granted at the university level.
AP Style prefers using this generic phrase rather than listing the degree’s full name. Whenever you’re referring to a general According to Associated Press Style guidelines, using the lowercase form with an apostrophe for bachelor’s degree is proper English.
Let’s clear up any misunderstanding with some examples. You don't use capital letters, unless you're writing the formal name of a particular degree: Learning the lingo and grammar for talking about academic degrees can be tricky.
The same holds true for a master’s degree. Avoid adding an apostrophe here.
However, please note that two-year undergraduate programs hold the exception. It’s grammatically correct to write a sentence like “Amanda is receiving her baccalaureate from Princeton University,” though saying bachelor’s degree is more modern. The three most popular types of bachelor degrees are: Bachelor of Arts (BA degree) Bachelor of Science (BS degree) Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA degree). Again the apostrophe helps display how students possess the degree. Baccalaureate is the original name first used in the mid-17th century when higher education prospered. English is the exception because it’s a language and proper noun.
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It’s derived from the medieval Latin word “baccalaureus.” In the United Kingdom, baccalaureate can also be an examination given as a school performance indicator. There’s one case where you should use the singular form of bachelor.
Since it’s a degree’s title, the word must be capitalized. In another context, bachelors could also describe eligible, unmarried men looking for love. The United States also offers International Baccalaureate (IB) diplomas to high school students undertaking advanced study. Well, the correct term to write or speak would be “bachelor’s.” The plural form of bachelors is only applicable when you’re talking about a group of graduates who have finished the degree. A bachelor is not just a guy who eats out a lot, but also a person of either sex who has earned a type of degree from a university or college.
You just got your degree, but how should you write it? The term must suggest possession because the degree belongs as property to a student. 4 Getting your bachelor’s degree generally takes four years, although some career-focused bachelor’s degrees … Either of these options will reign supreme to mistakenly writing “bachelors.” Always remember the apostrophe unless you’re writing an actual degree title.BachelorsDegreeCenter.org is an advertising-supported site. Many face the conundrum of picking between “bachelors” and “bachelor’s” when describing their undergrad program. Mignon Fogarty is the founder of Quick and Dirty Tips and the author of seven books on language, including the New York Times bestseller "Copyright © 2020 Macmillan Holdings, LLC. Even after actually earning the degree, you may be stumped. Saying associate degree is correct here.
The same is true for a master: He or she earns a master's degree. Capitalize only the official degree title but not the major. Aardvark earned a bachelor's degree in ant behavior. In cases where bachelor’s degree is too long, writing simply bachelor’s is sufficient. Here are some grammatically correct sentences: • Sophie is finishing her senior thesis for a bachelor’s degree.Writing that someone holds a bachelor’s degree is appropriate for establishing their credentials. Mignon Fogarty According to Associated Press Style guidelines, using the lowercase form with an apostrophe for bachelor’s degree is proper English. As an Amazon Associate and a Bookshop.org Affiliate, QDT earns from qualifying purchases.