All rights reserved. These take a bit to learn, being left by default to the game to handle automatically, but are worth learning to gain an advantage. There are two types of superchargers; mechanically driven, and exhaust driven - generally referred to as a turbocharger, or 'turbo'. *New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThis is a subreddit for War Thunder, a cross platform vehicular combat MMO developed by Gaijin Entertainment for Microsoft Windows, macOS, Linux, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. To start or turn off an engine, the default key is "I" and is available on all aircraft, independent of MEC settings. !XD I would actually get this if it was made from high quality parts! First however, a key must be set to toggle these engine controls to "manual" mode. Jump to: Well looks like my plan of playing war thunder on VR and using my ps4 controller gyro to fly is out the window fs. I still choose not to use it in games where there's no proper AA. It is only visible to you. "For example one push of a lever will allow switching the graphics quality to Ultra Low right in the middle of a battle, allowing the spotting of enemies that wait for you in the bushes." Essentially, the radiator is a series of snaking tubes that take the hot engine coolant, pass cold air over it to cool it down, and pass it back into the engine cooling When the engine begins to overheat, the temperature indicators on the HUD will appear yellow, then orange, then red and finally, flashing red, after which The majority of planes have full manual control for their radiators, with some notable exceptions. If you have this problem, then this should help you out. Finally console players will get the means to operate all War Thunder vehicles comfortably and precisely even in simulation mode, with no need to remember thousands of button combinations.The best grade aluminium alloys and stainless steel will be used to make the War Thunder Controller very durable.One single War Thunder Controller can be used for ground vehicles, ships, jets, helicopters as well as any future types of military hardware. Tanks basically leave it as it is, C for scope mode, Lshift and Ctrl for cruise control so you can taunt you enemies in chat while on the move. In aviation, the purpose of a supercharger is to provide additional oxygen required to maintain engine performance as the aircraft reaches thinner air at higher altitudes. Also, don't forget to decrease stages as you descend in altitude. For all legal matters, please contact — Most biplanes do not have any form of radiator control relying on throttle and propeller pitch (if they have it). War Thunder. Most biplanes and interwar planes use a fixed pitch propeller, allowing no manual prop pitch control. Join us Sometimes it is important to shut down an engine mid-flight. Hydropneumatic suspension was mentioned in Shooting range 28. It's your choice to use lower res than your monitors, but it's not recommended if you have a decent rig and a big enough monitor. Jets also do not use propeller pitch. 10/10 would buy. Bind controls for each and try them out. Setting to 0% will also consume less fuel and reduce engine overheating. The guide is very complete, and the user has granted the permission via PM to use the guide. The War Thunder Controller is based on the requests of our official forum users as well as War Thunder subreddit fans, as well as the hard-earned experience Gaijin user interface developers team. es gibt ja nur eine standard einstellung,und da fehlen funktionen,die man selbst zu ordnen kann. The new controller will give access to all the features of 1500+ vehicle types and will allow fine-tuning the War Thunder game settings. An engine won't function without being turned on, of course. "The War Thunder Controller is based on the reques-" Damn, nearly fell for it