New York, TRY 30 DAYS FREE. The latest episode, Hometown dates, sent Kelsey home after she confessed her love for Peter.Read to see who Peter will find love with?
Watch full episodes for free and see the TV schedule for Citytv. Catch up on favourites including Modern Family, Murphy Brown and more. You can easily keep up with who’s being handed those red roses.Say you're in a country where this content isn't available to stream. You’ll then be privy to all the backbiting, romance and shock evictions that The Bachelor can offer, no matter where in the world you are.Easy. Even better, you can purchase an annual plan for a Once installed, select the location of your home country and simply click connect. Release year: 2009. Keep reading on how to watch The Bachelor online from anywhere in the world.If you happen to be away from home – visiting relatives or abroad looking for your own paramour in distant climes – don't despair. Premieres on MONDAY JUNE 8!The Bachelor 2020 Season Finale, Part 2 Recap: Peter's Broken Engagement and Family FrictionBehind the Scenes of The Bachelor 2020: The Season Finale, AustraliaThe Bachelor 2020 Season Finale, Part 1 Recap: Will Peter Propose in the End?The Bachelor 2020 Episode 10 Recap: Peter's Final Two and The Women Tell AllThe Bachelor 2020 Episode 9 Recap: Does Madison Leave After Peter's Fantasy Suite Dates?Behind the Scenes of The Bachelor 2020: Week 9, AustraliaThe Bachelor 2020 Episode 8 Recap: Peter's Ex Warns Him About Victoria F.Behind the Scenes of The Bachelor 2020: Week 8, Hometown DatesThe Bachelor 2020 Episode 7 Recap: Peter's Falling In Love, The 3-on-1 Ends in TearsBehind the Scenes of The Bachelor 2020: Week 7, PeruThe Bachelor 2020 Episode 6 Recap: The Telenovela, Double Victoria Drama, and a 2-on-1 DateBehind the Scenes of The Bachelor 2020: Week 6, ChileThe Bachelor 2020 Episode 5 Recap: The "Cosmo" Photoshoot, Peter Calls Sydney the "Best Kisser"Behind the Scenes of The Bachelor 2020: Week 5, Costa RicaNew Show "The Bachelor: Listen to Your Heart" Combines Music and Romance MONDAY APRIL 13 8|7cThe Bachelor 2020 Episode 4 Recap: Victoria F. Runs into Ex Chase Rice Behind the Scenes of The Bachelor 2020: Week 4, ClevelandThe Bachelor 2020 Episode 3 Recap: Is Alayah Here for the Right Reasons?Bachelor Peter Weber Breaks Off His Engagement with Hannah AnnPeter Weber's Parents Don't Think It'll Work Out with MadisonBachelor 2020 Sneak Peek: The Dramatic End of Season 24Peter Weber Tells Madison He's Been Intimate with Other WomenPeter Weber Doesn't Want Victoria F. to Push Him AwayMadison and Peter Discuss the Fantasy Suite and the Other WomenNew show "The Bachelor: The Greatest Seasons – Ever!" Please refresh the page and try again.TechRadar is part of Future US Inc, an international media group and leading digital publisher. will revisit the most memorable moments in "The Bachelor" franchise history!Jimmy Kimmel weighs in on the most dramatic Bachelor finale ever, helps former contestants find love, and much more on Jimmy Kimmel Live!The Next Bachelorette Has Been Announced: It's Clare Crawley!The Full Performance: Hunter Hayes - 'I Want Crazy'Deleted Scene: The Director's Cut of 'El Amor de Pedro'Deleted Scene: Another Model Joins the Bachelor Photo ShootDeleted Scene: Peter Steps Into the Pillow Fight RingDeleted Scene: Payton and Courtney's Tearful GoodbyesDeleted Scene: Peter Brings His Parents to the Bachelor MansionTenille Arts Performs 'Somebody Like That' on The Bachelor 2020The Bachelor 2020 Travel Guide: Alice Springs, AustraliaThe Bachelor 2020 Travel Guide: Gold Coast, Australia As Can't wait that long? Last time we saw Pete Weber was in season 15 of The Bachelor, after Hannah Brown choosing Jed and Taylor over him.And now we're seeing him be in charge of handing out the roses on this hit TV series... ready to see who he will find love with? Future US, Inc. 11 West 42nd Street, 15th Floor, Downloading a There are hundreds of VPNs to choose from, although we recommend ExpressVPN's flexible 30-day money back guarantee is difficult to argue with. Watch the official The Bachelor online at Please deactivate your ad blocker in order to see our subscription offerReceive mail from us on behalf of our trusted partners or sponsors? If you have cable you can enjoy the most recent episode of The Bachelor on ABC from 8pm ET and PT or 7pm CT. ABC also has a free Citytv airs episodes of The Bachelor weekly at 7pm ET – a whole hour before it reaches screens in North America. Episode … But if you've an unquenched yearning for the romantic tribulations of Peter Weber, Victoria F and friends, you can Sign up to get breaking news, reviews, opinion, analysis and more, plus the hottest tech deals!Thank you for signing up to TechRadar. Its Alas, there’ll be no canoodling for Brits, with Season 24 of The Bachelor unavailable across the pond. 1.