Oliver went to his office to meet with Samantha who explained that William had simply vanished from their house without leaving a note or signs of a struggle. At the scene, Oliver was only able to find a piece of metal, but meanwhile imagined Sara's murder. Twórcami postaci są Mort Weisinger i George Papp. He and his best friend Oliver assists Flash and Firestorm take down Reverse-Flash.After receiving a call for help from Barry to transport his metahuman prisoners to Lian Yu, Oliver left Nanda Parbat to Central City to help him. Rene revealed that he was approached by the FBI who claimed they had proof that he was Wild Dog, and in exchange for his testimony against Oliver, they would let him walk. Oliver then talks to William and they start to build a relationship with each other. After seemingly killing Kovar, Oliver was awarded as the Bratva captain and was given a black sun tattoo. Oliver, Barry, Kara, and the Legends proceeded to fight them off with Oliver taking on the Dark Archer. Oliver also met Mayor Queen reveals the statue to honor Laurel Lance.To honor Laurel's memory, Oliver commissioned a statue of her as the Black Canary. It failed, but Oliver convinced the League not to kill his friends before saying good-bye to all of them. As the three men fight, Malcolm injuries Diggle and Oliver and Malcolm fight once more. He then went to Yao Fei's cave, discovering a man tied up there. Mari however suspected that Darhk must use an amulet of some kind the same way she draws her powers, which Quentin confirms having seen an idol in his office from time to time. Meanwhile, Killer Frost faced off with Nora Fries, who was using the cold technology of Victor Fires. The next day both Oliver and Felicity woke up still a little frustrated about last nights argument. Oliver watched as Slade and Wintergreen faced off, with Slade overpowering his former friend. After freeing everyone, Oliver is questioned by Thea for working with the men who killed their parents but Oliver replies that Adrian has everyone they love and he is out of options.
Ultimately overwhelmed by his guilt though, Oliver left to return to Lian Yu in a self-imposed exile. However, Laurel interrupted to file herself as Oliver's defense, much to his elation.
, planning to go to Russia for Taiana.After they had come, Amanda says how the mission was never to make Oliver reject his inner darkness but to put him through it and show how sometimes killing can be the only option there is. Thea rushed downstairs to find Oliver, but he'd already left over the balcony. Yao Fei warned that Oliver would be forced to take more lives in the future, and advised him to forget about Laurel if he wanted to survive on the island.Oliver accompanied Yao Fei hunting one day. Then, he heard Suddenly, Iris got an emergency call that a break in at Oliver ran to Ivo Labs, but due to the fact he still isn't used for Barry's speed, missed it by a few blocks. At ARGUS, Diggle used his relationship with Lyla to convince the security guard to allow him to get into her office. While eating dinner, Oliver confessed that he'd been back to he island previously, but didn't answer Thea's question in regards to if he ever thought he'd make it home while stranded. He arrived too late to help with the prisoners but did arrive in time with After returning to Nanda Parbat, Oliver learns that Maseo provided Ra's with the virus from their time in Hong Kong and was secretly shocked but kept this to himself. Oliver is immensely disciplined emotionally, he excels at masking and compartmentalizing his emotions, he has both a dry and sarcastic sense of humor, Oliver is also very intelligent and calculating in regards to others; he is quick to take notice of talented individuals that show aptitude in secrecy, and when the opportunity presented itself invites such individuals to join his crusade.
When they arrived, Oliver asked the officer if they were able to contacted her, but she responded that Laurel though a night in jail will be good for them. Realizing later such actions would not make him human, filled with self-loathing and pity, the darkness that had overtaken his life, and to protect his family, Oliver decided to delay his return. At the end, Oliver and the team returned to Earth-1 where they fought the Nazis. Unaffected by the lost of their comrades Oliver told Diggle and Felicity that they would still move forward. Though Oliver was ruthless during his crusade's earlier days, taking lives actually took a toll on him. After arriving in Hub City, they met with For the next 5 months, Oliver began fighting crime in the streets on his own again with only Felicity helping him from her computer. Adrian appears and grabs Evelyn, then seemingly breaks her neck right in front of Oliver. After burying Shado, the group worked on defeating Ivo at the Amazo, and Oliver eventually admitted to Slade of why Shado died when having Ivo at his mercy.