The graphics are late 90s gameboy graphics and it's got a lot of bugs.

(9) Stella Glow. I've had mine for a while but I keep feeling that I'm missing outEdit: any games playable on the 3ds, don't have to be exclusiveHonourable mentions go to: Mario Kart 7 if you play online.Super Smash Bros for Multiplayer, single player is pretty terrible.Edit: Steamworld Dig 1 and 2 - Both Fantastic games.This is a really good list of suggestions here - I would only consider adding one of the Etrian Odyssey games to this list (probably IV as it is considered a good entry point.) What are the 10 games that you feel that every 3ds owner should play? But man oh man. You can't go wrong with any of these games. I’d love to hear some differing opinions on this list.Games I won’t be including on this list because I’ve only just started them or haven’t gotten into them enough to form a solid opinion on include This was fun to write, looking forward to seeing your lists.Honorable mentions: Kid Icarus Uprising, Fantasy Life, Fire Emblem: Echoes, and Animal Crossing: New LeafYou say Fire Emblem is "a broken game, but that's what makes it fun. This is a really long list. Best 3DS games? I hope it gets a sequel or spiritual successor on the Switch but I'm not holding my breath.This game has been on my list for a while to get but the i second guess it.Just to add to any of these lists, Pocket Jockey is a ton of fun. I didn't think I would like it at all, but it's close to being my most played game.My top 10 would mostly be JRPGs but I feel this group covers a wide variety of genres for people to get into. When I got into it. G/S (3ds VC): probably my favourite in the series; updated graphics compared to RB (albeit barely), better story, just the right amount of Pokémon. (8) Super Mario 3D Land. I'd just swap out Triple Deluxe for Robobot.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThe place to discuss all stuff related to the Nintendo 3DS™ family!Press J to jump to the feed. I worked on it for a decent chunk of time and I’d be happy if you shared your thoughts with me as well!This list doesn’t include eShop games, because I only buy physical games and would like to focus on them. R/B (on 3ds VC): great games, beginning of the series, not too many Pokémon and obviously the official starting point. (7) Ocarina of Time 3D. But Cory in the House was on DS.Anything from the Kunio series: Tokyo Rumble or Rival City Showdown (they look a bit dated on purppose, but there's a reason why they inspired Scott Pilgrim) or Senran Kagura, Deep Crimson to cover having a beat'em upSpecial mention: Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, which can easily replace any of the list above. I just recently purchased a New 3DS XL and this gave me a pretty good shopping list :)Glad to hear it! Echoes wad hard enough on normal/classic for me, I can't imagine beating it on hard!In no order(because I would explode trying to put these in order)HMs go to Bravely Second, Dragon Quest 8, Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack-All the BoxBoys (they're so alike it's not worth separating them)I'm not counting DS games, or Virtual Console ones.
Smash Bros. Mario Kart 7. I've been playing Kirby: Triple Deluxe and Mario Kart 7, but that's all I have. The Etrian games may not be for everyone - but they are a lot of fun if you go in open minded and pretty much are made for the 3DS dual screens (with the mapping feature - which can be pretty addicting if you get into it lol).Perfect place to start. I just got a 3DS and would like to know some essential games to play.

Definitely pick up staples like 3D Land and Smash Bros. to start.This is not in order from greatest to least greatest.I love that you included the 999 series. no Binding of Isaac).Gunaman Clive 2 legitimately has some of the best level design in a platformer I've ever played, and the designs are shockingly simple to boot.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castThe place to discuss all stuff related to the Nintendo 3DS™ family!Press J to jump to the feed. Only games I played on 3DS (ie. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts More people should play games like that, and I also think awakening is the best on the 3ds, although I loved shadows and just recently beat it on hard classic.
... A Reddit community for news, discussion, and stories about Nintendo. Monster Hunter Stories.

There's also Shovel Knight and the Azure Striker Gunvolt games.High-five for putting MHS at number 1. (6) Pokemon Sun/Moon. 10 MUST PLAY 3DS games? Such an under appreciated game. It's fun seeing everyone else's picks :)I think this is the best list of suggestions. I like how they added grinding, it makes it friendlier to new playersZero Escape is definitely not as accessible as other games, not a lot of people give it a try. Donkey Kong Country Returns 3D. The game also plays around with perspective in some clever ways, making it one of the best showcases for 3DS's stereoscopic capabilities and a … Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Can't find a reliable place to get 3ds .cia files Question Most of the sites listed on r/3dspiracy all lead to some type of fishy links that came up with negative results on virustotal. (10) Rune Factory 4. I really got into it.Thank you for this. I haven’t played every 3DS game out there. Fire Emblem Fates (Conquest if you have to choose) Rune Factory 4. Id add Monster hunter 4 ultimate, ace attorney trilogy and bravely default seriesSuper smash bros is also online I only played single player have 1000 hours in it1: Cory in the House 2: Bird Mania 3D 3: Sonic Boom shattered crystal 4: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 5: battle of giants dinosaurs 6: Tenkai Knight: Brave battle 7: Nintendo Badge Arcade 8: Power Ranger 9: spirit camera the cursed memoir 10: paper MARIO sticker starThis boi knows what's up. See r/CasualNintendo for … Top 10 Favorite 3DS Games (?)

"Other than that I only missed Stella Glow (Hated most of the demo experience) and Zero Time Dilemma (missed the last sale due to switch allocation of funds)Took me 16 hours to get into monster Hunter lol.