Anything within that radius that is hit by the “rays” that emit from the shell marker then will take damage according the HE/HESH mechanics.Module damage refers to damage that occurs to a tank’s module or crew. HEAT is premium ammo on some direct-fire tanks. If the damage potential is higher than the armor’s value it will do that leftover damage and if the damage potential is lower it will do zero damage.Regardless, when a HE shell detonates it will emit “rays” that are drawn in a 45°  arc in the direction of the armor the HE shell has hit. トップ > wot > 良戦車まとめ ... 良好な機動性、弱点のはずなのによく弾く車体下部と副砲塔、貫通力340のheatと高いdpmを兼ね備えたバランスの良い重戦車。強すぎてナーフされたはずなのに、謎弾きでやっぱりうざいやつ。 Add to cart Premium AP shells will gain more penetration and premium HE shells will gain additional splash radius in most cases. They also have decreased normalization ability, with only two degrees of normalization as opposed to AP's five. But what is the better choice? HE, HESH, and HEAT shells do not normalize. If you are curious as to how armor works and how effective armor values are calculated hop over to the “How Armor Works” page linked below.Starting off you need to learn a few basic shell mechanics in World of Tanks and the terms that relate to them.Normalization refers to a shell hitting an angled piece of armor and it trying to keep its initial shell path although it is hitting something that is not “flat”. The revocation of this contract is not possible.Subscribe to get special offers, free giveaways, and once-in-a-lifetime deals. APCR shells lose speed (and often as a result, penetration) faster over distance than AP shells, however they always have more penetration than an AP shell, even at maximum range. You should only use APCR when you encounter an enemy that your AP or HE shell cannot handle since it is very expensive. The standard international shipping charges you pay to ESL only cover shipping cost, and do NOT include customs fees, import taxes, brokerage fees, or duties. On some AP shells penetrate armor better when moving faster, which means they lose penetration ability over distance as they slow down. Then there are “premium shells” which consist of armor piercing composite rigid(APCR), high explosive squash head(HESH), high explosive anti tank(HEAT), and then premium versions of AP/HE rounds. This World of Tanks Prokhorovka strategy guide will go over the basic routes, positions, and tactics you will see in most random World of Tanks battles on Prokhorovka. APCR shells have the advantage of being lighter than AP shells while still having dense penetrating cores. World of Tanks news — read the latest news on the free MMO World of Tanks game, the best game for boys AP shells have a 5° normalization value and APCR have a 2° normalization value. AP is the standard shell for most direct-fire tanks in the game. When a HE/HESH shell hits a solid object(tank or environment) it will then detonate and see if anything is within its splash radius. The downside is that it still is useless against spaced armor/thick armor like HE and also is very expensive to use if it is a premium round. This makes hitting tracks, mantlets, or other spaced armor sections on a tank a very bad choice for someone using HEAT.

Another would be to use it against an enemy you cannot damage with AP if it is a higher tier or if there are no weak spots showing. Copyright - World of Tanks Guru 2011-2015 | All images, videos, and content of World of Tanks is used with express written permission by Wargaming.netSome links on WoT Guru are affiliate links. Even it if penetrates it will detonate before penetrating a second layer of armor thus lowering its damage potential. Please therefore ensure that you send your item back to us using a delivery service that insures you for the value of the goods.We are more than happy to refund postage costs to return an item where the return is required due to our error.
Another situation would be when you need to reset an enemy with HE/HESH since it has a good chance at doing 1 HP or more damage without bouncing off. This means they have a splash radius, or an area around the impact point of an HE shell where the shell's explosion does damage to targets. AP Shells also “over match” which is when a shell’s caliber with three times or more the armor thickness it is hitting it will simply penetrate regardless of the angle.