I’d place the sum of three campaigns at around 40 hours give or take. 0. Of critical importance, is that you hold off performing missions that advance the plot for as long as you can, as each one of these you accomplish resets the Urgency track.
You normally have enough firepower to blast the enemy out of the sky at that point, and capturing the points is less important. This is where you sit back and soak up turn after turn of resource generation and evolution levelling, and the best point to start levelling up your planets. Trying to level up ship you otherwise would not use and then keep them alive throughout the campaign is a pain in the tush and really isn’t worth it. Order of Sectors you unlock during the Imperium Campaign: Ideally you were already trying to upgrade systems while securing the Cadian Sector, balanced alongside recruiting the ships you needed to win the battles. Completely ignore Agri Worlds for now, first upgrade FORGE WORLDS (they give the most income), then HIVE WORLDS (next best income), then Shipyards. ... Best Imperial Battleship? Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 - Imperial campaign co-op Halldamir and Rahal. When you first access a sector, it pays to be highly aggressive, ideally capturing the entire sector before the Threat levels and Urgency increase too much. MAKE SURE YOU RECRUIT THIS NEW FLEET BEFORE BEATING “RISE OF CADIA” MISSION! You have captured every system in the Cadian Sector. My Tyrannid guide discusses this strategy in-depth, I’ll summarize it here: Like I emphasized in the Cadia section, make sure you already have the maximum number of each faction fleet, because these 3 new fleets will be added on top, so if you had 3/3 Imp fleets, you will now have 4/3.
If my guide fails to prepare you for something and you mess up and lose the campaign, just back up enough turns and try again after figuring out what went wrong and learning from your mistakes.Cadia > Nemesis Tessera > Agripinaa > Chin-Chare > Belis Corona > Medusa > Scarus > Belial IV > Caliban & Scelus > Sentinel Worlds > EidolonFleet Capacity is the point capacity of a single fleet and maxes out at 1000 at Level 13.At Level 1, you start with Fleet Capacity 400 and Leadership 600.Every level adds 50 Fleet Capacity and 75 Leadership, until levels 13 and 15 respectively as noted above.Note – I tend to write 1500 points or 1500 leadership interchangeably throughout the guideWhat I did to start was, I went South from my starting point conquering systems along the way, then back up north to conquer Cadia, at this point having 2 of 4 systems needed for the objective. The AI will often send escorts or other ships to detect you so that their longer range capital ships can shoot you from range; if you destroy all the ships near you that are detecting you, after a few moments your ships will be re-hidden by the Nebula, which will force the big bad battleship that was pounding your ships from max range to have to now approach the Nebula to detect your fleet, all while your ships get to shoot it. At 1200 points+ you could replace an Admech Lunar with an Admech Dictator for the fighter support for Scouting, because the spare 2 points from each of the 188 point SC Mark III’s gives 6 spare points at 1200 Leadership. It's Plasma Macros with their astronomical 18,000 unit range outpaces the already long-range Heavy Lances, both of which could be further enhanced with Lock On orders for a subsystem demolishing sniper heavyweight.Having slightly less DPS output than the Avenger, the Vengeance makes up for this with the ability to operate more independently as long as there are other ships engaged with the enemy at closer ranges or otherwise working as spotters.
But these are the early ones in sectors you need to hold and you will need to plan around.It has been awhile so I forget what causes the Tyrannids to spawn, but that is a pivotal event in the campaign that can cause you to lose, so I will cover that in the next section.The basic point of this section is to try to secure and build up each sector before completing the mission that resets the urgency meter and opens up another area. Had a couple of attempts to try and get into this game (loved the the first one) but haven't quite managed it. The Exorcist has 4 launch bays but only has 4 Macro Batteries with 9000 range which sucks when the Vengeance has 13500 range Lances and 18000 range Plasma Macro Batteries, so the Exorcist will need to be in Lock-On Stance in order to be able to support the Vengeance. Do not do this mission yet.STOP. Figure out where the enemy AI will be coming from, and have your ships arranged such that their broadsides face the enemy (Vengeance do not have prow weapons). And with either of these choices, you would not be able to swap out an Admech Lunar for an Admech Dictator for ability to bring fighters to scout. My end game for his Armada is 2 fleets composed of Vengeance Grand Cruisers, at least 3 Vengeance GC in each fleet in order to be able to bring 6 Vengeance GC’s once I reach Level 13 and am able to bring 1500 points into battle. There are a couple more in other sectors, just pay attention to sector and system text. They’ll also encounter other races and factions vying for control of the Aegis Ocularis, a part of the galaxy which contains the Eye of Terror and Cadia. Turn 4: Seize the Plans -Bhein Morr Sector.
To provide a better website experience, levelskip.com uses cookies (and other similar technologies) and may collect, process, and share personal data. Now I had 3 of 4. This allows me to focus on direct-combat ships in my IN fleets, and torpedo-armed ships to make best use of the Short-Burn torpedoes that ships in Spire’s fleet get.I use my Space Marine fleets mostly for boarding, especially as “giant killers” – it’s more economical to use boarding to kill a Space Station or Battle Cruiser, for example, than try and batter it to death with weapons fire.