They said it … 0%
0% 1% 0%
Object 703 Version II: Two is Better Than One Special Offers Discuss.
1% 0% 0%
0% 0% 0% Marks of Excellence are awarded by averaging more regular and assist damage than that caused by a percentage of other players on the same tank.Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle.Awarded for mastery in controlling an armored vehicle. 0%
Home › Players [MOKA] » richter_frank Most played vehicle: Löwe. 0% Awarded for destroying 2 enemy artillery in one battle, with a tank or tank destroyer. 1% 0% 0%
1% 1% 1%
Award not eligible in Artillery vehicles.Awarded to a player who in the course of one battle destroys 4 enemy vehicles within a base circle while they are attempting to capture the base. 0%
Damage caused must be at least 20% of the total HP of enemy vehicles.
1% 1% Inever used mods before, I started to use mods with Oldskools promod, a friend in the forum brought me to him and i never used a other mod, why should i ?
0% In this new campaign with Brave we have brought that to the forefront, dramatizing the complex decision making that leads to victory in World of Tanks with an ad that celebrates what makes our players special. • Achieve at least 85% hits out of a minimum of 10 shots fired with a potential damage of 1,000 HP or more. 1% All 33 Heavy Tanks Page 1 of 2 ; 1; 2; Next; This topic is locked; 26 replies to this topic DrivableBeast35 #1 Posted 12 September 2019 - 04:33 AM. 0% 0% Missions and Tank Upgrades to Set Your Garage In Order General News Discuss. • Survive 5 or more battles in a row without taking any damage.Destroy 100 tanks of any combination from the list below:Destroy at least 100 tanks of the IS series and Soviet vehicles based on their chassis:Destroy at least one of every enemy vehicle currently available in the game.