This means that you’ll be able to fully experience all of the bonuses that Warships Premium Account offers, but without bearing any additional expenses. I know Kizarvexis did his best to explain things as simply as possible, but my eyes started to cross about halfway through. The old premium time gets you 50% more xp in 3 games, now you get 65% xp more in ONE GAME, yet it's the same price. WoWs| Free 14 days of Premium Account. I have no idea how many people play WOWS and WOT/WOWP on a regular basis. So this means that you will have two set of premium time. It is only a nerf in value IF you buy WoWs premium time and play in WoT and WoWP without premium time. Free XP calculation formula: total resulting ship XP per battle x 0.05 x (1 + sum of various Free XP modifiers), or using the numerical values from our example: 3,600 x 0.05 x 3 = 540 without Premium Account, 5,400 x 0.05 x 3 = 810 with Wargaming Premium Account, 5,940 x 0.05 x 3 = 891 with Warships Premium Account. If they do this for each game, won't warplanes be screwed eventually? z.B. If you just want to play two or more of WoWs, WoT, WoWP and don't care or see the value in spending for the +15%, just get WG premium time. Premium Account can bring you that ship you desire earlier, or earn you additional Commander skill points, or even enable faster completion of Combat Missions and Campaigns. It might not seem to be that much at first sight, but if you are an active World of Warships player, the difference will be significant. Imagine you are in a heavy tank and a special commander allows you to restore 500 hp when you get 2 frags, or you are in a light tank and you can be 5% faster when you spot 2 enemy tank.Well, atleast the WoWs team is making progress in reducing P2W.
Meist handelt es sich um alternative Varianten oder gänzlich abenteuerliche Modelle, wie beispielsweise das kleinkalibrige Kanonenschiff USS Ausführliche Guides zu den Schiffen findet ihr unter den jeweiligen Links bei den Schiffsnamen.Hilf uns, besser zu werden und teile uns bitte mit: Wargaming: 'We are going to need to increase the amount of XP we charge for the FXP premiums because the economy has changed and people are making too much FXP now' Otherwise, the only place where a CV can strike with impunity is Tier 4 where AA does not exist (and that’s a major problem that can ruin the experience for new players, but also a boon because it punishes seal clubbers in their premium BBs and Clemsons).From someone who’s been playing carriers since the 8.0 rework. Premium time does not stack. Those signals can imrpove your performance like top speed, fire extinguish time and fire chance of HE shells with no draw back.
Say you have 20 days when patch 7.12 drops. The positive side effect might be that WOWS gets more of it's "own" internal revenue, instead of subsidizing WOT and WOWP's.

Get the latest news and developments here and play for free! Wow, this is a big nerf in value. Whilst it's the same price, whether it's worth it will be subjective. ∞ Yet the value decreases significantly, way less utility. Any new premium time that overlaps will get the doubloon bonus as seen below. u/Vaexa. Game-wise, they are usually variants of the respective researched counterparts with alternate abilities, extra armament or protection, and other attribute changes that offer different game play. If you then buy 30 days WG premium time, you would have 50/50 again, but since the 30 days WG premium time was added to the WoWs premium time, then no doubloon compensation. The player who only plays one game anyway gains value from the same amount of money. BASED [380 mm/45 Model 1936 naval gun] u/keramz. And it is a nerf in value. So being able to have 3 Campaign tasks instead of two, will be the same in either premium time. It will extend WoWs premium time. It is pretty clear now what is happening. If you get an overlap, the +65% will be what works in WoWs until the overlap ends.

It's just a gimmick to make more money. Now let’s just wait 2-3 years for the WoT team to catch up… if they ever will.WOWS is far behind WOT in terms of p2w. Say you have ten days of regular premium time when the next update drops. u/AutoModerator. Having Premium Account enables you to progress through the game and scale new heights within it more quickly, by providing more credits and XP. Sind Premium-Schiffe, die ihr ja für Geld bekommt und nicht umständlich freispielen müsst, daher eine unfaire Sache?Keineswegs, denn die Echtgeld-Schiffe sind niemals besser als die regulären Geräte ihrer Stufe. With the release of Update 0.7.12, we are set to introduce the special Warships Premium Account. So say I buy 180 days of WG premium time.

Destroyer. Русский So for that 5 star operation that gives out a day of premium time. This victory was the first win of the day, which brought you another +50% bonus. The positive side effect might be that WOWS gets more of it's "own" internal revenue, instead of subsidizing WOT and WOWP's.