4.3 - Dicker Max (some of the best depression and a 105mm derp gun), or Great Tank Killer)
One of the best functioning tanks when uptiered IMO War Thunder and World of Tanks have been out for 8 and 10 years respectively but the debate over which is the superior game is still going strong.Read on for a detailed explanation of both games, what they each do well, and what they need to work on.If you’re on the fence about which of the two multiplayer vehicle combat games to sink your teeth into, hopefully you’ll be able to make a decision by the end of this article.The biggest and most obvious distinction between the two games has to do with the types of vehicles available to the player.War Thunder began as a flight combat simulator and tanks were added in a later patch.
War Thunder and World of Tanks have been out for 8 and 10 years respectively but the debate over which is the superior game is still going strong.Read on for a detailed explanation of both games, what they each do well, and what they need to work on.If you’re on the fence about which of the two multiplayer vehicle combat games to sink your teeth into, hopefully you’ll be able to make a decision by the end of this article.The biggest and most obvious distinction between the two games has to do with the types of vehicles available to the player.War Thunder began as a flight combat simulator and tanks were added in a later patch.
5.3 Comet I (might be the Challenger, havent tried that one out since the BR change) For all legal matters, please contact — Written by Paleo Jake / Aug 1, 2020 This guide is a collection of basic tips and tricks to make your tank experience more enjoyable. but they sure can take a beating & sometimes takes forever to kill. Anti-CAS-Shima =ACASS= Now it fires so darn fast!)
This thing is so underrated. Germany ground … Tanks' Nightmare Destroyed at least 10 tanks or tank destroyers. Crash Course: Japanese Tanks - War Thunder Official Channel. With the Pz4 F2 the game gets way to pathetic, because even med tanks have guns, that can **** heavy tanks frontaly with ease. This is getting worse at higher tiers, with the T-34 85. 7.0 - T34 (Uggggh, I don't have this tank (yet) but the things armor and gun are a complete nuisance when its downtiered, 298mm of turret armor, thats a lot)
Things like the way mud sticks to your tank as the battle progresses — and you can wash it off by wading into a river!As we’ve established, World of Tanks is essentially a tank-themed arena deathmatch.For this reason, the maps are designed to allow teams to quickly meet.
4.T-35 (It's so big, it has 3 cannons, & a crew of 10. you're not taking out this beast alone)
3.M10 Wolverine (Paper armor, until you get armor add-on.
It's so outclassing its opponents it's laughable. 4.Jagdtiger (Even though it's got low mobility & long reload, it can still take a beating & the 128mm Gun just pwns everything) despite the lack of explosive filler.
I'm very German bias, and I tend to do very well in these tanks, soooooo. it does give off a decent Shrapnel Spread)
British Ammo is broke and they have no armor)
1.Pz.II F. (20mm Autocannon is OP) 3.M46 Patton (Basically it's a more mobile M26 Pershing with HEATFS & Cage Armor.) War Thunder also has combined arms — tanks and planes fight in the same battlefield! 4.Panther D (Good 75mm gun, Good Sloped armor, Good Speed. 5.0 - German Kv-1B (A Kv-1 with an even better gun) 4.Ferdinand (I use to hate this tank because how easy it is to kill it due to the flat armor. They’re quick to change directions and easy to maneuver. Iam Eager to know, what tanks of each BR (lets use straight numbers) are the strongest in all terms (mobility, firepower, turret treverse speed,...) If you want a skill-based tank fighter where skill isn’t as likely to be outshined by sheer luck, World of Tanks is the game for you.There was a time when War Thunder was clearly the better looking game, but several graphic overhauls over the years have allowed World of Tanks to give War Thunder a run for its money.The game that comes out on top in this discussion is the one that appeals to your personal preference.World of Tanks, in fitting with its more arcade-like action, is slightly more cartoonish in its designs and animations.For War Thunder, it’s the tiny details that really help build immersion. Things like the way mud sticks to your tank as the battle progresses — and you can wash it off by wading into a river!As we’ve established, World of Tanks is essentially a tank-themed arena deathmatch.For this reason, the maps are designed to allow teams to quickly meet. 7.0 Panther II or t44-100 (Better than the Leo 1 or anything from the U.S up to the M48, M60 is close.
1.Chi-Nu II (much like a Pz.IV but with an even more powerful 75mm gun) 6.7 - Tiger II (H) (OOOOH, I can't leave out my favorite tank, same tank as the (P) variant, but even better turret armor and extra armor on the turret sides)
7.7 - Objekt 120 (Gun that kill kill and asteroid) 1.M3 Lee (It's a great Brawler tank, with a 75mm fixed gun that can take on just about any tank & a 37mm that can take on light & some medium tanks)
Massively thick armor & a Large Gun & Secondary Gun) The SOMUA SM is a French experimental tank, developed in the immediate postwar years as an alternative to the AMX-50.
2.0-2.7: 5.Crusader Mk.III (It's got a good 57mm gun on it. Striking a near perfect balance of mobility, protection and firepower, the Italian Zara-class heavy cruisers are considered to be among the best ships of their class at the time of their construction. We are announcing the start of the military sports competition: “Tank Biathlon” and “Sea Biathlon”.