Brussels Airlines is part of the Lufthansa Group. Benutzen Sie LOOPs für Ihren Flug mit Brussels Airlines. Brussels Airlines (stylised as brussels airlines) is the flag carrier and largest airline of Belgium, based and headquartered at Brussels Airport. It is a member of the Star Alliance as well as the International Air Transport Association. Der angezeigte Preis zeigt der Preis für einen Erwachsenen, inklusive aller Steuern und Gebühren.Mehr als 9 und bis 40 Personen können eine Gruppenbuchung machen, solange sie zusammen fliegen. Brussels Airlines is the leading Belgian airline that offers the widest choice of flights between its base in Brussels Airport and Europe, Africa & the US. For other departure dates, please refer to the timetable. The fare displayed is an indication of the fare for one adult and includes taxes and charges.More than 9 and up to 40 people travelling together can book as a group. The airline's IATA code SN is inherited from its predecessors, Sabena and SN Brussels Airlines.
Overview of Brussels Airlines Headquartered in Belgium and known for being one of the country’s largest airline, Brussels Airlines services flights to over 120 destinations that can be found throughout Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa. List You can conveniently check the status of any Brussels Airlines-operated flight to/from Brussels.
Brussels Airlines of Belgium serves the following destinations as of June 2020:. Please select a return date or select a one-way flight Use your LOOPs to fly with Brussels Airlines.
It operates to over 100 destinations in Europe, North America, Africa and also offers charter services, maintenance and crew training. August 2020Eine Gruppenbuchung ist bis maximal 40 Personen limitiert, bitte ändern Sie die Anzahl der Fluggäste und versuchen Sie es erneut. You can search by: flight number; airport; route; Flight status information is available for flights scheduled within the next 3 days. Für Stornierungs- und Rückerstattungsanträge, benutzen Sie Möchten Sie spezielle Hilfe oder sollte Ihre Buchung nicht angezeigt werden, kontaktieren Sie unseren Sammeln und lösen Sie Meilen ein zusammen mit unseren vielen Partnern und entdecken Sie eine Welt voller Vorteile.Sammeln Sie Punkte, alleine oder mit Ihrer Familie, und fliegen Sie schneller als erwartet in ganz Europa ab.Keine Umbuchungsgebühr für neue Buchungen bis zum 31. © Brussels Airlines - Enterprise/VAT number: 0400853488 – RPM/RPR Brussels Registered office: Brussels Airlines SA/NV - 100-102, Avenue des Saisons, box 30, 1050 Brussels, Belgium -from For special assistance or in case you experience an issue retrieving your booking, please contact our Earn and redeem miles with our many partners and enter a world of exclusive advantages.Earn points, on your own or with your family, and travel sooner than expected throughout Europe.No rebooking fee for bookings made before 31 August 2020A group booking is limited to maximum 40 passengers, please adapt the number of passengers and try again.