it was a total masterpiece. 119 of 121 chapters read The whole manga is focused on this in how the protas want the world to change and accept their relationship. As the long-lived strife between the two sides continues, Romio Inuzuka—leader of the "Black Doggies" of Touwa—finds himself in a bind.

is for me and it is the variety of characters so charismatic the secondary are very good since in the course of the manga these are related to any of the 2 protas and show us their development with them What I think is great. Such a magic feat is not easy to do, never thought I would love a manga this much, I guess this was only made possible by the author hard-work and I respect that. and Juliet Persia. Yousuke Kaneda is the author of Seiten High School Idol Club! Boarding School Juliet Season 1 was an amazing anime with an ending that showed progression between the two main characters.

In my personal opinion I love this manga is one of the first that I followed and I feel very nostalgic that it ends, for my part very happy with everything and it is a wonderful manga and that above all you take a very big affection to all his characters, as soon as Drawing is very good not becoming a work of art but having a more than decent level, the story is great moves slowly but flows through its characters so it is consumed very well. ©2020 All Rights Reserved. 12 of 12 episodes seen 24 of 121 chapters read is a property of MyAnimeList, LLC. 121 of 121 chapters read Anyway this was my review, from here I am with tears in my eyes seeing how one of my favorite works has come to an end ... Until forever Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet has been a wonderful manga.

Another strong point is how the author makes it clear that it is a love story of 1 single couple not of a love triangle, so you expect a solid love story between Romeo and Juliet without any third party getting in the way. Deutscher Titel: Boarding School Juliet Jahr: 2018 Status: Abgeschlossen Folgen: 12 / 12 Länge: 24 Min.

Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai: Tensai-tachi no Renai Zunousen Wenn ihr schon immer mal selbst etwas subben wolltet oder euch schon immer die Fehler in den Animes auf den Sack gingen und ihr etwas dagegen unternehmen wolltet, The story takes place at Dahlia Academy Boarding School where students come from two rivaling countries known as the "Black Dogs" and "White Cats." 12 of 12 episodes seen

As the long-lived strife between the two sides continues, Romio Inuzuka—leader of the "Black Doggies" of Touwa—finds himself in a bind. Here are the North American anime & manga releases for August Week 1: August 4 - 10 Anime Releases Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka II (I...Here are the North American anime & manga releases for July Week 1: July 7 - 13 Anime Releases Cop Craft Complete Collection Blu-ray Dumbbell Nan Kilo Moteru? We lay our scene in the fair Dahlia Academy, where two countries, both alike in dignity, come together; the "Black Doggies" of the Eastern Nation of Touwa and "White Cats" of the Principality of West have a longstanding feud. Romio Inuzuka and Juliet Persia, leaders of their respective dorms, seem to be bitter enemies.In this thread, you'll find a comprehensive list of anime acquired for simulcast release during the Fall 2018 season.

This story follows the classic of a forbidden love where they, being recognized characters in their school, try to hide their love as well as possible, but they know that they cannot last like this forever, so their main objective is to "Change the World". He has fallen in love with Juliet Persia, head of the "White Cats" of the West. Anime4You sucht Zuwachs für den Subber-/QC-Bereich. In the course of the manga everything becomes more difficult and new characters that influence the story and especially in the evolution of the protagonists come out this seems to me a very good point to make the secondary are not episodes and are characters that have importance with them. daily routine and how the characters slowly built their relations, growing closer with each chapter passing by, passed all those feelings onward to me, also making me grow closer to them. just normal not amazing or not ugly it's just normal, The Characters well they are pretty well developed once such event happens well... it does have a bit of drama i think?, Overall its 10/10 ©2020 All Rights Reserved. Boarding School Juliet is Kaneda's first manga to be published in English. Kishuku Gakkou no Juliet However, it’s a forbidden love as Romio and Persia belong in opposite sides of society.