Ofc Im playing on hardcore... FailFish. "Hardcore Mode" The struggle is real with just first boss fight [looking for advice] Even with 100% accuracy, focusing on the eye, I run out. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. If you’re low on ammo, the best thing you can do is to make sure you’re not pouring the damage on too thick. I started with Claire on Hardcore mode, I had 4 handgun bullets, 3 Nade launcher nades and 2 hand grenades going into that fight. Resident Evil 2 is the game that got me into the Resident Evil series, and this time around I am actually going to enjoy doing this. If Birkin reaches you in time it’s an instant kill, so you don’t really have to worry about health, just dealing damage.One thing to note about this fight is that the base handgun doesn’t do enough damage to Birkin to kill him before he kills you unless you start firing from as soon as he enters the car, the Flamethrower doesn’t do anything, and the Spark Shot is pretty useless as well. Below we’ve listed each boss weakness in Resident Evil 2. He’ll stand in place, square his shoulders and look up when he’s about to do it.The best way to stop him from charging is to throw a defensive grenade when he’s in his wind-up phase. He's difficult but it can be done. It doesn’t take a ton of ammo to “pop” one, and when you do, he’ll kneel. Some of these are tricky to pull off, and some have prerequisites that are required for them to work. Resident Evil 2. Here's how to beat every boss in Resident Evil 2 remake the easy way. Remain focused on his arm, leg, and back eyes, and hit his chest when he kneels.After taking enough damage in his second stage, he’ll run over to one of the walls and pull a huge chunk of it off and slam it on the ground. The main thing you have to keep in mind is avoiding the Super Tyrant’s insta-kill move. After he does this, you can take him down. Go through the door on the bottom floor. ... you will face the first boss. I've got the same problem. they should patch this up and make birkin weaker somehow he wont die. I used all my ammo to beat him, i think i wasted too much ammo before and now it's ridiculously hard. Once you cause a bit of damage, the massive eyeball in his right arm will open up. Resident Evil 2 [1998] Wiki Guide. You cannot defeat him until he rips the huge chunk off the wall, so you can use that, along with the color of his eyes as an indicator of when he’s closed to death.When you start the fight if you’re low on ammo you can check the four corners of the room for bullets, defensive grenades, and healing items. Just pour ammo into all his eyes, and he’ll keel over.As stated above, there’s no big way to cheese your way through this fight. Only open fire when you know you’ll hit. This allows you to keep going to town on him and as soon as he recovers he’ll stagger again.Weirdly, knife damage is tied to framerate in Resident Evil 2 remake, so if you’re on PC, you can accelerate this fight if your framerate is high enough. This means he’s almost dead. Though the munitions you get here can help, they aren’t enough to down Birkin on their own. However, he’s still deadly, even if he’s lost his speed.You’ll likely run out of minigun ammo before the end of the fight. If you aim carefully and make each shot count, you should be able to take him out with around 30-50 handgun bullets. Tipps & Lösung von Eurogamer-Team, Freier Redakteur You can get him to kneel with the Flamethrower as Leon, and he’ll stay down for as long as he’s on fire. They’ll just kind of poke out. It's simply not enough. ... You may not encounter all of these bosses in the same scenario. When it comes to a stop, you need to make Birkin kneel as close to the opposite end of the area from the crane control panel as you can.Once he’s around where you want to drop him start attacking his eyes. Watch the cut-scene - time for your first boss fight. It's not that the fight is challenging, it's not really that hard at all. This means you pretty much need to have at least a few grenade rounds as an opener.The Colt SAA is marginally better than your standard handguns since its rounds carry a bit more power, so make sure and use the bullets for it up first before switching to another pistol. However, this method takes a lot of luck and iron wills.The third fight with Birkin consists of three stages, but it’s not immediately apparent that’s the case. G-4’s most deadly move is a quick charge that can catch you from all the way across the platform. Your minigun is likely depleted, and chances are your other heavy weapons are empty or only have a few rounds left. There’s one on his back, front left leg, and the big one in the right arm. i also stuck here. I left the boss room with a few more 9mm than I entered with. You’ll have the rocket launcher and three rockets left from your battle with Super Tyrant. You can get one from Marvin (1st run only), one near a body in the library, and one in the Safety Deposit Room out of one of the lockers.You’ll meet Birkin a second time after you solve the chess piece puzzle in the sewers. All rights reserved.
However, he flails around so much that you’ll have difficulty hitting it before he’s right on top of you.Leon’s exclusive end-game fight is intimidating at first, but you can actually win it without firing a single bullet.