You kill the pirate, but before reporting to the agent, you go back to the location with your mining Venture and can mine all that Kernite. but if i can’t fit all the rigs or medium i’ll get back to the hoarderIt is a good idea to use the ship, that was designed by CCP to do the job. There are quite a few player groups that are looking for and accepting newbies, and they’ll give you free ships and free ISK just to fly with them, as well as guidance and training. Add those alliances/corps to your 'People and places and give them “TERRIBLE STANDINGS”. Save locations.And remember you, yes you that leave everything when the quest is completed. That way they show up with a red square with a white minus in it in local so you’ll know when to be very carefull.Well, the best option has been already suggested above my post. Hoarder is an industrial vessel with bonus for ammunition transportation.I did 3 different race career agents, just to learn about the tactics and weapons of the race and have an idea of their frigates.BTW: The scanning agent has only 5 missions, so it’s 45 per newbie agent location.
Probably the scan frigate will answer me that. It is just your reference to learn the absolute basics and serve as your They’ll give you everything for free, just to keep you happy. Several systems in which new players typically start are deemed 'Rookie System' and in these systems (listed below) a measure of protection is offered to new players. T1 exploration frigates get salvaging bonus (Magnate will even give you same cargo due to 4 slots for cargo expander), destroyers will let you fit more, than 3 salvagers and still be ok with CPU and cap stability (all 8 salvagers, if no exp. Typically we recommend going to the Sisters of EVE epic mission arc (that’ll also give you another 10-15 million ISK), and then if money-making is what you want, exploration, or focused missions for one of the Navies, or even mining the better ore in lower security systems can make you more than the career missions.And you can also jump right into PVP. Don’t be a This is a quick guide to EVE Online for new players. For example, mission sends you to kill a pirate, and the fight happens in a field full of Kernite asteroids.
The reverse is also true, just because a character was created a long time ago doesn't mean the player is experienced. You got a glimpse into our plans during CCP Ghost's talk at Fanfest, but now it's time to go into details as we will release the first phase of our NPE revamp with EVE's November 8 th expansion, Ascension. Value-seeking Capsuleers, You can now get four brand new Packs for EVE Online, giving fresh Capsuleers a chance to make an immediate impact in New Eden. New replies are no longer allowed. I will only.start with one point since I can’t quite write a whole guide atm (will add stuff into it later today)There are 12 careers agent systems, (insert link here)Each of those missions give you isk AND ship/modules for your ships.Doing this should ultimately give you around 100m isk (will confirm later) for all systems combined.I will add some more info, tips and other relevant stuff at a later time (including how to more safely move assets around without being a pinata)Get some MTUs, a Hoarder (as alpha is really cheap) an extended probe launcher. That’s the whole point of this thread If you have a lot of things in your hangar you want to ‘garage sell’ in Jita, DO NOT add cargo expander II’s on your hauler ship and autopilot it there while going for dinner. It is just your reference to learn the absolute basics and serve as yourThe career agents do give inflated rewards, approx 10 million worth of ships and stuff per set of agents (per each school), and you can get another 5 million or so worth of ore if you pay attention to the “geography” in some of the missions. Hey everyone I'm a new player looking to get set on a good training path. We are calling this phase Inception. You will have some empty high slots cause of low base CPU, but a destroyer still is best slavaging ship for alpha accounts, IMHO.Pro tip: you can probe down lost drones in low sec.About running all carrier agents - worth only for getting equally good starting standings with all 4 empires.