This is optional, but there's a fake wall below the Grub that leads to several fake floors and a big Geo rock (420 Geo). Go right once again and climb the platforms to the top of the building, then get inside. Once again, your time to heal is when she's vulnerable after a few attacks. Follow the way right to another screen, and make it all the way to the bottom left and leave the screen. Go right and blockades will appear behind you as you go along. Take it. Go back to the bouncing bees room and leave from the left.As soon as the room is locked, the Hive Knight will perform the first attack before showing up. How to Access NBA 2K19 DLC Items. Use Desolated Dive to break the white floor. 15 Sep, 2017.
Rescue the Grub and leave from the top.
Take a right, break the fake wall and follow the way up to another Grub. Follow the way right, get the Geo box to the right and leave the screen up. Note that touching the spikes on the floor will remove one Hit Point and make you start over. On the elevator, you can make a left on the first path to find a totem that will replenish your health when you hit it. Do it again on the left side. Drop from the right and notice that path sligthly below this level to the right, it's a hidden path with a Geo Chest. We're now heading towards a boss so make sure to fill your Soul meter. Follow this path to the top left and break the scaffolding for a shortcut.
Get to the bottom and hit the lever. Leave the screen and go directly left, there's a small pool of acid you'll have to swim through, take the path to the left and hit the Essence tree.
Usually the best way to dodge one is by double jumping and using your Shade Cloak if you're caught too to jump. Go right and all the way up. Follow it all the way to the end and break the fake wall here. The Husk Sentry will attack with one single swing of its sword and sometimes a combo, with two following attacks. Check your map and go all the way left towards the Nailsmith for an upgrade. When they attack with their Nail, dash through them and attack them from behind.
Dive and destroy the floor here, it will take you to where you fought the Soul Warrior. You'll reach a room with a shaky floor, climb the wall to the left and it'll reveal a hidden path. Leave the screen from bottom left into Ancient Basin.Use the Bench at the Tram and equip Fragile Heart, Joni's Blessing and Lifeblood Heart. Here's a fake floor, use your Dive ability to go down. Keep going left until you see the platform you can cut down, but climb the walls above you and go right to a Vessel Fragment. You'll encounter some simple enemies. Defeat the Kingsmould and continue. Below it is a chest that contains Geo. In the next screen you'll encounter a new flying enemy. There will be 2 Elder Baldurs that you have to kill. Then follow the way left and up, it's a straight forward path that leads to another screen. These mostly roam aimlessly, it shouldn't be too hard to get out of here. Use double jump to get there, rescue the Grub, and go all the way right to a fake floor to get back where you started. Now you have to backtrack a little bit to get the Thorns of Agony Charm.Go back to the entrance of the Stag Station but go down this time. Dropping to the left side revealing a hidden path will lead you to a Rancid Egg.
You have two ways of dealing damage in between attacks.
Go back to the Tramway room and drop down the lit hole to the screen where Cornifer was, but go to the bottom left side and leave from there. Make it to the right end, grab the Geo rock and the Essence tree. You'll find a Vessel Fragment. Aside from that, there isn't much strategy, the pattern is very predictable.After defeating The Collector, go to the right and above for the last 3 Grubs! On this screen you need to go down all the way. We're gonna explore some parts we left out from this map and use the new abilities to get to some areas. If you don't wanna take any chances, you can check the images below and clear the path of enemies without using any Benches (so that enemies won't respawn) and then start the quest.You'll meet the Quirrel one last time on your way and you'll get the Witness achievement.You'll find Tiso on the other side of the lake.There's an acid river you need to swim through at the end to reveal a hidden path to Fog Canyon.Place the Delicate Flower at the Traitor's Child grave then take the Stag to Resting Grounds (or reload if you didn't use any Benches) and talk to Grey Mourner and grab the Mask Shard. Get into Ancestral Mound, the entrance is between the Bench below you and the Lifeblood Cocoon. As soon as you jump on the platforms, spiked rocks will fall down from the ceiling. After the fight, explore the rest of the place. The way you get to that Geo rock is by jumping and hitting the mushrooms, this will make you bounce. We need to pass through the Fog Canyon, first. Go back to the previous room and use the conveyor belt to go back. If you find yourself losing too much HP, just backtrack and use the Soul totems or kill enemies to gain Soul and recover health. You'll meet your first new enemy, the Dirtcarver. They stack, so make sure to kill them as soon as you can or you'll have a screen full of them.