He is the father of Percy, the child of the Great Prophecy of the Second Olympian War (actually the SecondTitan War) or the Titan's rebellion. Estelle Jackson (Step Sister) In some ways, Poseidon is more powerful that either of his brothers, since his domain, the sea, laps over into his brothers. Beyond this conversation, the two share no more interaction. Au cours d'une sortie scolaire au musée, Nancy Bobofit, peste de l'école, tente d'intimider Grover, ce qui énerve Percy.

she compliments Percy by saying that he is nothing like Hercules (who betrayed her), and deserved Riptide. after they started dating they kiss many times: once when they reunite, once before Percy, Piper, and Jason leave to meet Bacchus, twice in the stables on the Annabeth Chase was jealous for some time, of Rachel Elizabeth Dare, the clear-sighted mortal girl, because Percy spent a lot of time hanging out with her, but Annabeth eventually befriends her after Rachel became the Oracle. Sally also cares deeply for her son.

When Luke Castellan was still around, Percy would get jealous about how Annabeth would get protective and caring toward him whenever he was accused. Percy incarné par Logan Lerman.

Throughout season 5, Gaea, the goddess of the Earth has been sending Percy dreams and speaking to him. Percy even comes to appreciate a lot of Zoë's good qualities as they spend more time together. When casual (which is almost always), he wears Birkenstocks (leather sandals), khaki Bermuda shorts, and a shirt with coconuts and parrots on it (or any other Hawaiian shirt), and a battered cap decorated with fishing lures which says "NEPTUNE'S LUCKY FISHING HAT". When Percy first wakes up in She nursed him back to health after the Minotaur attack.

He is the counselor of Poseidon's Cabin and is a former Praetor of the Twelfth Legion at Camp Jupiter. It is generally agreed that Zeus is stronger, with Poseidon being a close second, however this is only because of the domain that they rule over. Kronos previously exploited this trait in Percy is described as a very handsome young man, with curly jet black hair and bright sea green eyes. Jim Jackson (maternal grandfather) It was Luke, though, who made Percy realize his true feelings for Annabeth in In season 3 near the end of the season, they fall into Tartarus holding hands when Percy swears that he will never let her go again., Annabeth and Percy's relationship faces its hardest challenges ever while they try to escape Tartarus. He is capable of summoning and controlling fierce storms over the water, though it is unknown to what extent he can summon storms over land or how his weather powers compare to Zeus. Annabeth disliked Percy when they first met because their parents Athena and Poseidon have a rivalry with each other. Apollo tends to side with Percy and can see the good he does. His power compared to Zeus is a subject of much debate. Percy is a brave, spirited natural leader, and is willing to risk his life to save friends, family, strangers, and sometimes even enemies.

After escaping Tartarus, their relationship has become stronger with Annabeth knowing that she wants nothing more than to have a happy and peaceful life with Percy, who has begun to seriously think about their future together and even the possibility of having a family. He realized why Zoë seemed to resent all heroes, but in the end, she told Percy that he was nothing like Hercules, and that she was wrong about men. Percy recounted that he was expelled from six schools over the course of six years. Perceus Jackson or simply Percy Jackson Is one main protagonists in "The Hero's Of Olympus", series as well as one of the main characters in "The Heroes of Olympus" series.He is a Greek demigod, son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. He is the only Titan that is on the good side with Percy.

Kronos has tried to recruit Percy several times, but to no avail.

This eventually changes after Percy thinks Tyson died when the Percy hated his former stepfather. However, he is definitely not perfect.

During the quest, Percy learned more about Zoë's past while having dreams, learning that Hercules had betrayed her after she gave him Riptide. Title God of Sea The Earthshaker and Storm-Bringer Creator of Horses Vital Statistics Gender Male Family Kronos and Rhea (Parents) Amphitrite (Wife) Zeus,Hades, Hera, Demeter, Hestia (Siblings) Percy Jackson,Nick Jackson,Tyson, Triton, Polyphemus, Antaeus, Theseus (Children) Status Immortal Eye Color Green Hair Color Black Height Any height Other Affiliation Olympus Weapons Trident Species God Home Atlantis, Olympus Greek/Roman form Neptune (Roman) Appearances The Lightning Thief (Film), The Titan's Curse, The Battle of the Labyrinth, The Last Olympian Actor Kevin McKidd Quests NoneA quest is given to his son Percy to find the missing master bolt and return it in time by the Poseidon does not appear, but he is said to have sent his Poseidon joins the party on Olympus, talks to Percy about Luke, and about his prophecy.

Percy actually first saw Hestia his first day at camp but thought she was an eight-year-old girl. The two have a silent standoff until Annabeth ultimately takes the seat. .

During times of distress or confusion, Percy and Hazel comforted each other and gave advice in a sibling manner. Percy considered her more beautiful than Aphrodite, "but I wouldn't say that out loud or she'd blast me to ashes,".

However, they make it through by mostly focusing on the life they want to have together in the future. Percy assures his father he isn't afraid.

Both Percy and Annabeth disagree with her views about family, siding with her son Hephaestus even though Hera helped them several times in Both Dionysus and Percy share a mutual dislike of each other.

However, he appears to have matured over the centuries to a point where these attributes do not dominate him to the same extent they do Zeus, making him much more reasonable. Paul Blofis (second step-father) Many people tell him he is brave such as friends, family, strangers, and even gods and goddesses.

The Trident's shape is that of a three-pronged spear, with royal sea themed details carved on most of it's depictions. Piper later states that when Percy pleads, his sea-green eyes seemed to be "like a cute baby seal that needed help," and wonders how Annabeth ever won an argument with him.

Through the Great Prophecy, Percy was the demigod who chose to save Olympus and ultimately defeat Kronos by giving Luke the "cursed blade."