Several years later, Greenwood brought the setting to publication for the D&D game as a series of magazine articles, and …

It’s really about moving the Forgotten Realms forward, but also about bringing it around to the most beloved and most fondly remembered Forgotten Realms.The result of The Second Sundering, in game terms, was the transition from 5th Edition details on "the rest of Faerûn had been untouched until the The focus of the Forgotten Realms setting is the continent of Toril consists of several large continents, including In early editions of the setting, The Realms shared a unified Religion plays a large part in the Forgotten Realms, with deities and their followers being an integral part of the world. ]H=� It runs 1400 miles north to south, and 600 miles east. At the end of this story arc, Abeir and Toril will be separate again, and many of the things that happened when they crashed together will go back to the way they were before.

Originally created by Ed Greenwood, the Forgotten Realms setting has been home to Dungeons & Dragons stories and games for decades.

Salvatore was also publicly unhappy with the 4th Edition changes to the Forgotten Realms. The Sword Coast, not to be confused with the Sword Coast North, was the region in western Faerûn that lay along the coast of the Sea of Swords and extended inward into to the vale. Some say the Sword Coast took its name from the white cliffs that rose up sharply for hundreds of miles along …

4 0 obj Salvatore said "basically, we authors were handed a document and told how things were going to be. %PDF-1.7 Although it focuses on the Sword Coast, the Adventurer’s Guide also includes a brief survey of Faerûn as a whole, and information on the deities, calendar, races, history, and organizations of the continent.

The game is an action role-playing video game set within the Dungeons & Dragons universe. Hail and well met, traveler! 2 0 obj The coastline is jagged and treacherous with few safe harbors.

Built for tales of swords and sorcery, the Realms initially grew and flourished in Ed's D&D campaign, which featured heroes like the Knights of Myth Drannor in the Dalelands.

The game is set in the fictional

�:A��XIN�Ɠ&�Œ澘nDQ�c��@�.a �ؔ�-n��Ω�$J���B�t�l�W�%��,�gl��~���/.���j^LA��w|k��$A��ņm��(��d{�����ܖ���"�٦��Ē�RG���t0J`��f;��d$&ȷ(�Ȉ�߅��Ψ�`W���ݭǰG�C�� ��.���p������H�����2��c��� ���~*���'��g�>�LN��q[�?��H)Ӄ��U It is a portion of the northwestern coast of Faerûn, and stretches from the city-state of Baldur's Gate, in the south, along the coast of the Sea of Swords, to city-state Waterdeep, and from Waterdeep further north to Neverwinter, Luskan, and Icewind Dale, the arctic and northernmost region of the Sword Coast. "Whisper of Waves/Midnight's Mask/The Emerald Scepter/Guardian: Saviors of Kamizawa", The northern border is formed by the Cloud Peaks and the Snakewood.To the south is the evil humanoid-infested mountain range called the Small Teeth. A huge number of diverse deities exist within several Much of the history of The Realms detailed in novels and source books concerns the actions of various deities and The Chosen (mortal representatives with a portion of their deities' power) such as The setting is the home of several iconic characters popularized by authors, some of the more notable being; This book is further fuel for the fire sparked by those adventures and the glimpses of the Realms you can find in the fifth edition Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual.

endobj x��][s�ȕ~w��C?dST� o�l9��k3���J�LF$��be����� ��)z�4օ���8������/���>���G�z%�~|#���Y��_.��E�Os%����~��(�?��y�쇷RH剸��L��b!�Ri��H���]7KxݻO������駬����gݼ��~��LF/����G�����ϯ?�\������g׀��ϟ�24��(I�C�U] q���ő���$�aJEir���#0Ql:#HU�%F�8������~���װ����������e���!�]9w%���>I.��hdÁ�f���ofSXk���R��5|?y�r{�Y���� The Sword Coast Adventurer’s Guide is a ~160-page, full-color hardcover that retails for about $40. <> That created both geographic changes (the map of the Forgotten Realms and Faerun actually changed due to that collision), and also changed the way magic works. Ed also shared glimpses of the Realms in the pages of Dragon magazine, giving D&D players their first tales from the wi… We were asked our opinions, but they mattered very little - the changes were being driven from a different direction. <>/Metadata 230 0 R/ViewerPreferences 231 0 R>>


1 0 obj stream They do not have a passive role, but in fact interact directly in mortal affairs, answer prayers, and have their own personal agendas.

The Sundering is all about those two worlds separating—coming apart—and the process of that separation is really the story that we’re telling over the next year. The Sword Coast is a fictional region in Dungeons & Dragons-based Forgotten Realms campaign setting. &\�^��jT�A�6ۧJO�`���9�ƆL�������^$�م��)ӂJ�G�:�S���y�œ6���[����{_{hw�R�Hy/��������qKS���2��?ዧ�v����lO�p|?

I will admit that the abrupt changes forced me into an uncomfortable place, and from that place came some of the better things I've written, but I very much preferred the way it was done this time, with 5th Edition and the changes, where we, the authors, were told what was happening to the game and asked how we could make the world and the lore live and breathe it".D'Ammassa, Don (September 2006). <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The Sword Coast is on the western coast of the continent of Faerun.