Pearl Riving Incoming!!! © 2020 By doing these moves you will increase the amount of bounces off of your armor and also cause the enemy to fire less often.Lastly, one thing to always keep in the back of your head is your distance to the enemy. Otherwise the IS-7 is on par with many other heavy tanks as far as speed goes but the high top speed opens up options other heavy tanks cannot do.Small miscellaneous attributes can make or break a tank and it can be difficult to know these stats without playing the tank. LIVE NOW! Our website uses cookies so that we can provide a better service.
EBR 75 & Progetto 46 BUFFS | Wargaming’s Worst Mistake?WoT’s New!? The downside is that for tanks with good gun depression they can aim down and shoot through your upper glacis if they are close enough since it is now much weaker.Overall the IS-7 is a great tier 10 heavy tank that has a higher learning curve than other tanks. The top forward speed limit is 59.6 km/h while the rear speed limit is 15 km/h. For a full weak spot guide for the IS-7 you can follow the link below that will give you effective armor values and break downs of the entire tank.The downside of needing to point at the enemy is that the primary weak spot of the IS-7 is at its weakest when doing so. Качественные фотографии, картинки hd и выше. With 400m view range and 720m radio range the IS-7 is merely average in these two areas for a tier 10 heavy tank. OBJECT 430U NERFS!!!! Empire’s Border Rework | Baby Menz 2020!!! Aside from the Maus and E-100 the IS-7’s 490 damage per shell easily outclasses the standard 400-440 damage rounds other tier 10 heavy tanks have. Going into a battle you should always pick out which areas will provide you locations to point your frontal armor at the enemy, make your lower glacis difficult(or impossible) to hit, and where plenty of enemy tanks will be. The IS-7 rewards players who can cover up its flaws since itis only held back by a few issues that can be looked over with a bit of planning.The IS-7 equips the 130mm S-70 gun which packs a punch with 490 damage per AP/APCR round. The frontal armor scheme is a piked nosed design like the IS-3 meaning that most of your frontal armor is at its strongest pointing directly at the enemy tank firing at you. Unfortunately at close range(under 50m) your frontal armor loses effective armor on the upper glacis while gaining armor on your lower glacis. The remaining hull armor is extremely tough and the frontal turret is immune to most shells as well. Mastering this and knowing what areas of each map benefits the IS-7 will turn the tank from a good tier 10 tank to one of the best tier 10 tanks.Another plus to the IS-7 is that its side armor is also difficult for enemies to penetrate if they do not know where to aim.
65, T-100 LT and Object 907. Скачать бесплатно фото, картинку с тегами: World of Tanks танк IS-7 гора 3D Графика Игры WOT Танки 3д Горы компьютерная игра. The lower sections of the side hull are very weak but once you move further up the side armor you encounter spaced armor and thicker turret armor. In the end the IS-7 is a great tank that has mixed emotions depending on who you talk to, but the tank itself provides a great canvas for knowledgeable players to shine.Copyright - World of Tanks Guru 2011-2015 | All images, videos, and content of World of Tanks is used with express written permission by Wargaming.netSome links on WoT Guru are affiliate links.
This can be a benefit if you are fighting against enemies who will continue to shoot at your now stronger lower glacis and/or shoot at your frontal turret armor if they have poor gun depression. Sexton I III Valiant V Object 244 VI Object 252U VIII E 100 X Object 703 Version II VIII Škoda T 40 VI T-34-85M VI T32 FL VIII T26E3 Eagle 7 VII T92 VIII Panhard EBR 75 (FL 10) VIII Pz.Kpfw.
For players that can cover up the IS-7’s downfalls the tank can dominate engagements and even against skilled players can make it extremely difficult for them to destroy you. Laundry Room Edition | Gamescom | Steel Hunter Favorite TankWoT’s New!?! The IS-7 when played right can soak up a ton of damage for your team while also helping to push the enemy backwards without taking much damage in return. | How To Earn Millions of Credits “Trick” | Update 1.10 MEGA Update NewsWoT’s New?! It is hard for the IS-7 to pinpoint shots with its 0.4 overall accuracy and at the same time it is hard for enemies to hit your weak spots at long range. While HE shells are not used very often the 640 damage per HE shell potential is great for poorly armored tanks if you can penetrate them. IV Schmalturm VI leKpz M 41 90 mm VIII Nameless VIII Panhard EBR 105 X T26E5 Patriot VIII AT 15A VII Panzer 58 VIII T78 VI FV4202 FL VIII ARL V39 VI T26E4 SuperPershing VIII AC 4 Experimental VI If you purchase a product after clicking an affiliate link, I receive a small percentage of the sale for referring you, at no extra cost to you. Обои для рабочего стола ПК, планшета.