Wer die alten Bud-Spencer-Streifen noch ohne große Fremdscham trotz mittlerweile doch in die Jahre gekommener Bildqualität über seinen Flatscreen flimmern lassen kann, wird von „Bud Spencer & Terence Hill – Slaps and Beans“ nicht enttäuscht: Das Spiel macht dank der Mechaniken großen Spaß und fühlt sich an, als würde man einen Slapstick-Prügel-Film selbst steuern – und im Endeffekt tut man das auch.Sie können Ihre Tage im Spiel damit verbringen, Ihre Werkstatt auszubauen oder Landwirtschaft und Viehzucht zu betreiben. Featuring 12 levels, unlockable characters, and multiple difficulties, the game is a nostalgic masterpiece for fans and newcomers alike.An adventure game years in the making that saw its first release in 2013, All five acts of the game are available together on the Switch version, and the game’s minimalist art and simple controls make it an ideal fit for playing on the go. As we rounded up the 100 best games of the decade, we were struck by how many incredible indie games came out in 2019 alone. Es geht immer tiefer in die unterirdische Welt, auf verschlungenen Pfaden, immer mit Entscheidungsfreiheit.Obwohl ein Großteil der Spielwelt optional ist, wird Entdeckergeist belohnt. With seven heroes to choose from and an array of guns to fight with, you’ll be gunning down enemies for hours on end!Wonder Boy: The Dragon’s Trap is a wonderful recreation of the classic Crypt of the Necrodancer is an indie game that combines rhythm gaming with RPG action dungeon crawling. The minimalist art style enhances the humor, and with so few games focusing on making you laugh, Littered throughout each puzzle are logic statements such as “wall is stop.” Often times, each part of a statement can be completely reworked. Wall can be modified to be push, allowing you, a funny-looking bunny, to move pieces of the wall away. Where After watching her family get murdered, Lunais finds herself in a mysterious world. The 20 best indie games you might have missed in 2019. Do this whilst questioning one’s own existence, constantly making your way up The Endless Tree and following the faceless voice that beckons you.Lunais is a gifted young girl who has been chosen to proceed through the Timespinner. You don’t actually control the characters, rather you fast forward and rewind the scenario, interacting with objects in order to alter their path.My Friend Pedro is a run n’ gun action platformer with precision-based physics and the ability to slow down time, allowing for some creative manoeuvring and high octane gun violence. The twist gives it a fresh feeling and requires you to always think on your feet, which makes for seriously engrossing gameplay.From a range of action games that span every sub-genre to simulation, strategy, and more, indie developers know what Nintendo Switch gamers want. Combat is surprisingly deep and the world contains much to explore and discover. Explore a vibrant world and talk to the furry residents to reveal some truly deep and emotional moments.Don’t let West of Loathing’s simplistic art style fool you, there is so much more to this game that what appears on the surface. is one of the best Zelda games on the platform, even if it isn’t made by Nintendo. Power-ups are rewarded at the bottom of each stage, but each level ups the challenge. Motivierend ist dabei, dass Sie die Stadt mitgestalten und verändern, dank vieler Freiheiten. Collection is a well done compilation of the series to date, allowing fans of the series to traverse it all again with one last purchase and newcomers to delve right in with all that the series has to offer. Well if yes, that’s a strange dream you have there… but you can live it in Battle Chef Brigade! Featuring nine levels filled to the brim with Viking mythology, take down ferocious Jotuns (giant Norse elementals) with Thora’s two-handed axe and powers bestowed upon her by the gods.Pawarumi is adrenaline-pumping, innovative and surprisingly captivating! However as the night progresses, ghosts of the island’s past begin to terrorise the group, possessing their bodies and forcing them to face their fears. Cymbal crashes mark the deaths of enemies. The twist is that it features roguelike elements that restructure the layout of the map each time. Both distinct gameplay styles perform well, and With brawler combat and an RPG progression system, All of the Zelda trappings are here: Dungeons, new weapons, interesting boss fights, unassuming villagers, etc. With super satisfying combat; stylistic, unique graphics; and a killer soundtrack, Ape Out is a welcome addition to the Switch.SteamWorld Heist is a very unique strategy shooter from the creators of the SteamWorld Dig series. With a bunch of hidden content, unlockable abilities, and an utterly unique concept, Pinball and hack-and-slash action usually don’t go together, but no one told that to developer Flight School Studio when it was creating Motion Twin calls its breakout indie hit a RogueVania, a mashup of games with classic Castlevania and Metroid gameplay. Dabei ist der Wiederspielwert hoch.
At times, you might come across a seemingly daunting task that requires you to experiment with the environment to reach your goal. The music is absolutely something to behold, and will have you humming along for days. It’s chaotic, trying, and utterly over the top.
A Hat in Time is one of those attempts that features a small top hat-wearing girl who has lost her source of fuel (Time Pieces) and must now venture to retrieve them all whilst making many frenemies along the way.Set in a world inspired by the classic tale “Journey to the West”, Unruly Heroes has you swapping between four heroes in order to save the land from an endless night. With a variety of increasingly difficult and diverse worlds to explore, With its classic 16-bit visuals, amazing platforming mechanics, and wondrous boss fights, Otus, a human-owl hybrid, is just trying to live a normal life when a group of pirates attacks his hometown. With a bunch of hidden content, unlockable abilities, and an utterly unique concept, Pinball and hack-and-slash action usually don’t go together, but no one told that to developer Flight School Studio when it was creating Motion Twin calls its breakout indie hit a RogueVania, a mashup of games with classic Castlevania and Metroid gameplay.