Yongjia Shang, Cuie Wang, Xinwei He, Kai Ju, Min Zhang, Shuyan Yu, Jiaping Wu. Performance and Kinetics Study of Self-Repairing Hydroxyl-Terminated Polybutadiene Binders Based on the Diels–Alder Reaction. Pyridinium saccharinate salts as efficient recyclable acylation catalyst: a new bridge between heterogeneous and homogeneous catalysis. Bismuth ferrite (BiFeO3) nanopowder prepared by sucrose-assisted combustion method: A novel and reusable heterogeneous catalyst for acetylation of amines, alcohols and phenols under solvent-free conditions. Dimethylbut-2-ynedioate mediated esterification of acids via sp3 C–N bond cleavage of benzylic tertiary amines.

Maryam Shokoohian, Nourallah Hazeri, MalekTaher Maghsoodlou, Mojtaba Lashkari. Brønsted Base-Assisted Boronic Acid Catalysis for the Dehydrative Intramolecular Condensation of Dicarboxylic Acids.
Nigella sativa 2 László Szabó, Romain Milotskyi, Takayuki Tsukegi, Naoki Wada, Kenji Takahashi. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. • Bekanntere Gebiete der Katalyse: Brönsted-Säure-, Brönsted-Base- und vor allem Lewis-Säure-Katalyse • Alternativ dazu: Lewis-Base-Katalyse; Katalysator ist hier Nucleophil, z.B.

On-chip organic synthesis enabled using an engine-and-cargo system in an electrowetting-on-dielectric digital microfluidic device. Quantitative analysis of native reactive functional groups on carbon fiber surface: An electrochemical approach. Exploiting the Imidazolium Effect in Base-free Ammonium Enolate Generation: Synthetic and Mechanistic Studies. Chem. ® Acetylation of Alcohols, Amines, Phenols, Thiols under Catalyst and Solvent-Free Conditions. Investigation of the Carboxylate Position during the Acylation Reaction Catalyzed by Biaryl DMAP Derivatives with an Internal Carboxylate. Fluorous analogues of DMAP (F-DMAP): Reusable organocatalysts for acylation reaction.

Synthesis and characterization of well-defined lactic acid-PEG cooligomers and its tricarbonyl rhenium conjugates.

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Defensive Roles of (E)-2-Alkenals and Related Compounds in Heteroptera. N

ii Koji Noge, Nobuhiro Shimizu, Judith X. Becerra. Katharina Effenberger, Sandra Breyer, Rainer Schobert. Chao Shen, Hongyun Shen, Ming Yang, Chengcai Xia, Pengfei Zhang. One-pot synthesis of allyl thioacetate from benzaldehydes and activated alkenes using the Morita–Baylis–Hillman reaction as a key step. Richard D. Ashby, Daniel K. Y. Solaiman, Cheng-Kung Liu, Gary Strahan, Nick Latona. Rita Craveiro, Liane Meneses, Lucca Durazzo, Ângelo Rocha, Joana M. Silva, Rui L. Reis, Susana Barreiros, Ana Rita C. Duarte, Deep Eutectic Solvents for Enzymatic Esterification of Racemic Menthol. –X compounds promoted by DMAP at room temperature. Assembly for an automated and simultaneous chemical synthesis and facultative purification of solid products, has a number of separate reaction vessels or reactors which are open at the top and bottom, and are assembled into a reactor block using 10-100 vessels (especially 48). Pyridine, tertiäre Amine oder Phosphine • Neben Pyridin selbst werden z.B. Polymethacrylates containing a 4-amino-pyridyl derivative covalently attached as effective catalysts in acylation chemistry: self-activation by neighboring group effects. Sylvain Rocheleau, Joshua Pottel, Igor Huskić, Nicolas Moitessier.