Jack Sparrow races to recover the heart of Davy Jones to avoid enslaving his soul to Jones' service, as other friends and foes seek the heart for their own agenda as well. Beckett knew it was only a matter of time before the older man would express his gratitude by sponsoring Beckett in his quest for a title.One of Beckett's hobbies was collecting antique artifacts belonging to past civilizations. Jones attackiert die Schiffe, hinterlässt aber keine Überlebenden, was Beckett erzürnt. When he sent Mercer to search for such artifacts, the assistant returned with the When Mercer found Wren-John, Beckett questioned him about the jewelry. They were handed that fight on a silver platter. More than a decade after the burning of the Cutler Beckett was born in a wealthy family in the county of From his earliest years, Cutler Beckett was fascinated with books and learning. Following his return to England, Beckett continued his work for the Company, spending some time at the For all these years, Cutler stayed in contact with his sister. Afraid that Ayisha could suffer a similar However, Jack wanted more than just ten percent, and Beckett then offered him twenty percent of the gold, and ten percent of the slave revenue, because he intended to imprison all Kermans and sell them as Though he believed that Sparrow would return, Beckett ordered Mercer to plant a spy aboard the While they waited for Sparrow's return, Beckett and Mercer began to organize a private army with which they intended to conquer Kerma. The Marked by his failure to deliver to Lord Penwallow the promised cargo, Cutler Beckett's quest for a title was now seriously slowed down. Though his quest for a title was delayed, Beckett nonetheless continued to work for the Company. He utilized his assistant, Ian Mercer, to the fullest of his abilities, using him as both an assassin and spy.
Beckett plant, die versammelten Piraten in einer einzigen, schnellen Schlacht auszulöschen. A man named Immediately after he arrived at his new post, Beckett received a letter from his cousin It didn’t take Beckett long to adjust to the demands of his new job, and to ensconce himself in the European community that was growing in Calabar. Beckett ist einverstanden, will aber auch von Elizabeth Jacks Kompass haben. Lord Cutler Beckett (*1686 in Somerset, England, †15. Will Turner, Elizabeth Swann, James Norrington, Weatherby Swann und Davy Jones sind Beispiele für Leute, die er manipuliert hat. Fluch der Karibik Wiki ist eine FANDOM-Filme-Community.Beckett trägt den Degen nur, als er in Am Ende der Welt mit Laut dem englischen PotC-Wiki ist der Vorsitzende der East India Trading Company ein Gouverneur.
First introduced in the film Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003), he later appears in the sequels Dead Man's Chest (2006), At World's End (2007), On Stranger Tides (2011), and Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017). However, his success also sparked jealousy and hatred among other children who considered him the teacher's pet who always made them look bad. Normalerweise wäre es üblich, dass ein Lord und Vorsitzender einer privilegierten Handelsgesellschaft in Cutler Beckett ist 5’5” (1,65 m) groß und er trägt immer eine Perücke mit einer einzigen Seitenlocke. Some time later, while he was in After years of hard work, Beckett rose through the high ranks of the Company and was made At some point during his search, Beckett discovered that Some time later, Beckett was tipped off that Governor Swann was sending Elizabeth back to Shortly after Elizabeth left, Beckett's men captured a notorious French pirate, Beckett later had Governor Weatherby Swann brought in to hear Mercer's report that Elizabeth had left Ultimately, Lord Beckett received the contents of the Dead Man's Chest from James Norrington. Using the authority of Governor Swann, Beckett oversaw the executions of hundreds of people who he believed had even the remotest association with piracy, including children. : Fluch der Karibik 3, Originaltitel: Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End) ist ein US-amerikanischer Piratenfilm von Regisseur Gore Verbinski aus dem Jahr 2007, der sowohl in den deutschen als auch in den US-amerikanischen Kinos am 24.
Er trägt auf See meistens einen schwarzen Dreispitz. Am Ende informiert Mercer Beckett, dass Norrington mit den Kaperbriefen in seinem Besitz auf einem Schiff treibend aufgegriffen wurde. During one execution, Beckett was able to get the crowd to sing the anthem of the As this war progressed, Beckett was intent on finding the crew of the Beckett tried to gain information from Sparrow, while interrogating him in his quarters, but Sparrow's inordinate terms reminded Beckett of Beckett agreed, but at that same moment, Sao Feng joined forces with True to his word, Sparrow had indeed led the Brethren out of their fortress, and offshore of Shipwreck Island, Beckett's armada came face to face with the As preparations were being made for the battle, an odd wind began to blow in the favorable direction of the pirate fleet, and the skies darkened and rain began to fall. But Jonathan Beckett had a different opinion, believing that Cutler would never be suitable for service to the king, and he wanted Cutler to become a However, Cutler refused his father's offer, knowing that he wouldn't be a good When he reached Gibraltar, the first thing Cutler Beckett did was writing a letter to the EITC official, Lord Penwallow, thanking him for the EITC's faith in him, and promising to pay back the ransom amount. August 1729 auf See) ist der Antagonist im Film Am Ende der Welt, und er ist der Vorsitzende der East India Trading Company. Directed by Gore Verbinski. Perhaps most impressive of all, was the world map he had painted in his Beckett made many enemies during his rise to power, and took to carrying a During his campaign to eradicate piracy, Beckett made use of a pirate brand.