Years later, that boy named Yugo discovers he has powerful magic abilities using the power of Wakfu even as his village is threatened. Finding his birth parents? Now only Yugo and his friends stand between him and the Tree of Life.Percedal and Rubilax are helped by Percedal's master Goultard in their fight against Rushu. Saving the world from an evil madman? When Akko and other troubled students at Luna Nova are assigned to manage the annual witch hunt parade, Akko wants to make the event more positive. Two human princes forge an unlikely bond with the elfin assassin sent to kill them, embarking on an epic quest to bring peace to their warring lands. The series is directed by Anthony "Tot" Roux, and characte… Ankama is raising funds for Wakfu: the Animated Series - Season 4 on Kickstarter! Furthermore, he has an unspecified need for Yugo's help as well in his plan. Their stated goal is to replace their parents and become the new gods of the World of Twelve, believing that the gods don't care about them and that the world has become horribly corrupt under their rule.

Qilby takes Yugo to another dimension where they meet the Eliatrope children.Nox comes to Sadida Kingdom by creating a diversion. Regardless, Yugo is on that quest with his friends to find his family and answers about his past with greater implications concerning both he is only beginning to understand. Dans ce … The show is animated with Adobe Flash software; all the production is done in France except the special episodes "Noximilien l'Horloger" and "Ogrest, la Légende", both produced in Japan. Game-world monsters are wreaking real-world havoc. That's the real adventure! Des choses se sont passés, d’autres se sont terminés, mais le Wakfu, l’énergie primordiale créatrice du monde est fortement perturbée par un être mystérieux. 8 of 12 people found this review helpful. Cleopatra in Space is a comedic adventure focusing on the untold story of Cleopatra's teenage years. Jouer à WAKFU Les livres To that end, he is using the weaknesses and doubts in the characters to try to bring them to his side. In a fantasy world, a mysterious figure leaves a baby boy with a retired bounty hunter in a small village with instructions to raise him until the time is right for him to find his biological family. Use the HTML below. Netflix acquired the right to the show and started showing it on its streaming, according to On June 8, 2020, Ankama launched yet another Kickstarter campaign for the production of the fourth and final season of the series, with an initial target of €100,000; the target was reached within an hour after the campaign was started. The first season of 26 episodes began airing on 30 October 2008, and new episodes would continue to air into January 2010 on France 3.

Not a problem for this kid. In a fantasy world, a mysterious figure leaves a baby boy with a retired bounty hunter in a small village with instructions to raise him until the time is right for him to find his biological family. You must be a registered user to use the IMDb rating plugin. Five teenagers become the last line of defense for the galaxy in an intergalactic battle against the evil alien force led by King Zarkon.

Wakfu is one of the best animated shows that a cartoon/anime lover could watch. Certificate: TV-Y7-FV The adventures of Carmen Sandiego, a globe-hopping master thief. They threw down the gauntlet against the Brotherhood of Tofu in Season 3 because their leader, Oropo, desires both the Percedal family children and Ruel to join their new pantheon. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Here comes tech support. A secret Guild where all the members are demigods or children of Dragons, thus they are semi-immortal.

Animation In der Fernsehserie Wakfu geht es um 5 Helden, Yago, der auf mysteriöse Weise dem Kopfgeldjäger Alibert anvertraut wurde, Ruel Struut, ein Freund von Alibert, Tristamax, ein Iop mit einem mystischen Schwert, Amaya, eine abenteuerlustige Sadida-Prinzessin, und Angelya, eine kampfgeübte Crâ. However, later episodes reveal that not everyone in The Siblings fully trusts their leader and some begin to move on their own. Was this review helpful to you?

Auch im laufe der Staffel kommt der Dofus-Bruder von Yago, Adamai, ein kleiner Drache, in die Gruppe der Helden. Sur une petite île au large de la nation d’Amakna, se trouve un petit village perdu dans la forêt : Emelka.

Certificate: TV-Y7-FV Wakfu la série, c'est à ce jour 55 épisodes de 21 minutes répartis sur deux saisons et disponibles en DVD, et 3 épisodes spéciaux de 45 minutes chacun. Wakfu: The Animated Series is a French animated television series produced by Ankama Animation, based on the video game Wakfu.

The third season of the series premiered in France on September 2, 2017.On May 7, 2020, Ankama announced that season 4, intended as the final chapter of the story, is currently in development and a Kickstarter campaign to fund its production was launched on June 8, 2020.They are a humanoid species who are close to all things The main antagonists of season 3. However, there are villains who know about the boy too and are determined to gain his power for their own ends. Three teen strangers awaken in a dangerous world and try to make sense of what connection they have to each other as they attempt to make it out alive. Inspired by a magician named Shiny Chariot, the lively Akko Kagari enters the Little Witch Academy with the dream of one day becoming as cool and great as her idol.