I can't get away from planes as easily as I can in my Americans by just out-speeding them and all the other nations just feel like they do everything my British do but better. I think the Tempest V is a great match for the Dora's however it isn't a 1 sided match like you're stating. Gaijin, one question - WHY DO YOU MAKE BRITISH PLANES SO BAD?? Published by Gaijin Network Ltd. under the exclusive license. Wings rip in 600 km/h when sharp turn.

I can't get away from planes as easily as I can in my Americans by just out-speeding them and all the other nations just feel like they do everything my British do but better. Just roll with the punches do as best as ya can. Some Japanese planes make me happy, some of them make my extremely sad. Looks like guy saying Tempest Mk.V can be called OP plays different game then.If u cant outrun anything then its quite simple. [spoiler]Like the wllington[/spoiler] And there are good british planes. As well as aircraft under performing (a couple overperforming). There are bad british planes. Just don't, if its British, its cannon fodder for my German line-ups. So what I ask is tips for playing late tier 2/early tier 2 British, you know, until I get to  the stuff with good guns speed and energy (I think). !, some are fast and others do all 3. Go high and dive down on them, if they stall you have a easy kill even with the 7.62s.
Ok as some of you are familiar, I SUCK in the early tier British and can't advance simply because I can't get enough RP fast enough. They climb like rockets.And have i mentioned the early meteors with their broken br?Above 6k? Stay away from them -_-Change over to tracer ammo as well, even the 7.7 mm IT now set thing on fire with relative ease.Ok as some of you are familiar, I SUCK in the early tier British and can't advance simply because I can't get enough RP fast enough. Just don't, if its British, its cannon fodder for my German line-ups. If u dont know how to fly a plane then dont fly it.Only problem is, the Tempest doesn't turn THAT well and can be caught in turns depending on who you're fighting. It's 3.7 rating bumps you up in match making, and the 3.0 Sea Hurricane and Beaufighter have 4 cannons instead of 2 - way better. Take the IIB out when you hit tier 3 battles and it's BR is in line with the rest of your lineup :)The IIb and the Vtrop are both br 3.7...I don't see the "to forget" point.Together they make a powerful AB line...add a Beau, a Tiffie, a Firefly and perhaps a Wellie and you have a lovely br3.7 line to work with imho.Both Spitfire I and (especially) II are fantastic energy-fighters.So many people just turn to the death while not using their proper strenghts like great climb rate or high speed.They lack a bit of punch but when you have some many other strenghts at your disposal this does not bother me too much.It has a good climb rate (but worst than Spitfires if I am not mistaken), it is fast but nowhere near effective as an energy fighter as the Spitfire.In a recent Air Dom match I was surpised to find out I was unable to escape a Spitfire IIa in a level flight. Czechoslovak Air Force [CSAF] We stayed all the time on level terms.I don't recall gaining distance when I started diving and he followed.It is one of the most difficult planes to use effectively in AB.The IIb and the Vtrop are both br 3.7...I don't see the "to forget" point.I know that are both BR 3.7 but I reasoned tier by tier.The reason (just in my opinion, of course) is that IIb is (by far) the best Spitfire at Tier II, so I choose it for that tier.On the contrary, Vb/trop is IMHO the worst Spitfire at Tier III and if you want Spits at that level you have the other two (Vc and F. IX). Some Japanese planes make me happy, some of them make my extremely sad. I can't get away from planes as easily as I can in my Americans by just out-speeding them and all the other nations just feel like they do everything my British do but better. And the tempest can catch a dora. British planes are offen out gunned because is most t1-t3 British fighter you only have 8x 7.7mm with a mass burst per second of 1.21kg, or u get 4x 7.7 and 2x 20mm.
The 20mm Hispano's honestly don't feel like they are anything but 7,7mms with less ammo. SABRE SQN =DBSF= Czechoslovak Air Force [CSAF] It recks all 190's Aton's yes, Doras not so much. Could almost be called op at 5.7 if the russian planes wasnt so op. It cannot out run anything! The spits can turn much much faster like that!Ammo: Hispanos: Air Target belts (if you can aim with stealth).Despite of the powerful Planes like Tyhoon , Tempest, Griffons, Brits are good Turnfighters with adequate speed and good weaponry. Once you've played a lot more and really got the hang of using their manoeuvrability to your advantage, you can get more out of them, but not easily as a newer player.Aim, aim, and aim some more. Agree with Bentzen. I could do a list but I'd get bored its long. Could almost be called op at 5.7 if the russian planes wasnt so op. While not as effective at the "zoom and boom" as my fav FW140, the Spits can be effective if you maintain the energy on follow through. The only that makes me happy is the J7W1, because its incredibly sexy and boosts your Ego whenever you get a kill with it. In the Hurricanes; play much the same way, but a bit more cautiously, on your side of the map. But yeah there are many issues with the British planes especially wing rip issues both in turns and also top speed which make me sad.