Whether it's in 2021 or 2025, how will you regard your years as President of the United States?" (...) Même si la haine vient du président..."Lors du point-presse quotidien à la Maison Blanche, de nombreux journalistes ont questionné la demande d'excuses du président, qui semblait selon eux suggérer que le pilote avait organisé une mise en scène.Le tweet était "une accusation totale contre les jugements hâtifs des médias qui l'ont qualifié de crime raciste", a répondu la porte-parole de la Maison Blanche Kayleigh McEnany.Elle a notamment comparé l'affaire avec le cas de l'acteur noir et homosexuel Jussie Smollett, soupçonné d'avoir organisé une fausse agression raciste et homophobe à son encontre en janvier 2019.Quant à l'avis de Donald Trump sur le drapeau confédéré, symbole des Etats esclavagistes pendant la guerre de Sécession, "le président a dit très clairement qu'il ne prendrait pas position", a répété la porte-parole.Depuis la mort de l'Afro-Américain George Floyd, beaucoup de manifestants s'en prennent à des symboles du passé raciste et esclavagiste des Etats-Unis, comme les statues et les drapeaux confédérés. 26 août 2020 But I'd go with them. It was one of the best (and most revealing) interviews of Trump since he began running for office way back in the summer of 2015. (He was not right.) MSNBC host Nicolle Wallace railed against the “norm-busting” of President Donald Trump and his family on Tuesday evening amid the Republican National …

I'd rather have the people stay [on the ship]. Or something?Really? Wallace went on Monday night, “We are going to be hearing from this week the First Lady Melania Trump, the president’s four grown children, members … "I've watched most of the last hour and a …

ThisTrump seems to equate winning wars with the names of bases. "Répondez toujours à la haine que l'on vous jette par l'amour! I wonder why Trump picked the name of an African American Democrat out of the blue?

The president’s tweet attacked Wallace after he interviewed Rep. Steve Scalise, R-La.,  on his show, "Fox News Sunday. And away we go!Again, the President seems to believe that by testing we are creating more cases of Covid-19. Chris Wallace TWEETS Trump into a teeny little wienie,” a Facebook post shared over a thousand times reads.The image first began circulating after Trump’s original tweet in November 2019. ", a tweeté le président Trump lundi matin.Tous les pilotes avaient réagi en solidarité, le pensant victime d'un crime raciste, et même après la conclusion de l'enquête la Nascar avait rappelé que le noeud coulant était bien réel, tout comme sa préoccupation pour Bubba Wallace.

And we are not creating trouble!

Click to subscribe!Wallace repeatedly fact-checked Trump's falsehoods in real time -- although it didn't stop Trump from insisting he was right. "Wallace asked the House minority whip about the then-ongoing impeachment inquiry into the president, pressing Scalise on the activities of Trump's associates, who were being investigated.In the Facebook post, Trump's tweet is followed by a reply from Wallace. Wallace also said Trump’s use of the White House and official functions for campaign events showed “the audacity of the grift on full display all night.” “What strikes me is we are still four years in so ill-equipped for the depth of the griftiness of the Trump family and …

“We overuse this idea of norm-busting, but they are showcasing something so, you know,” said Wallace on the Trump family, explaining, “Norm-busting is someone from the campaign shows their face in the West Wing.”“You’ve got the son who has got New York A.G. on line two holding for him, Eric Trump, and they’re wailing away about God knows what, making things up about Joe Biden,” Wallace claimed.