Many of these changes will be useful for pilots of all experience levels.We’ve added a series of warnings to the fitting window, to help new and old players improve their fitting skills and avoid some more common pitfalls.Repair Services will now be available at all high sec stations.An 'Attributes' tab has been added to the show info window for NPCs. The Kestrel can then match its enemy’s speed, all the while maintaining a safe distance in order to deliver a devastating rocket barrage. Race across the galaxy and compete against the clock as you fly past some of the most iconic sites, systems, and wrecks in known space.

Nowhere is it more noticeable than in the capital ship construction yards. Thanks to the incredible firepower of the battleship-class projectile weapons systems, the vessel’s durable armor plating, and its powerful propulsion system, the Machariel reigned as the uncontested king of Lowsec space for years.This ship’s sleek hull design enables it to function as a kilometer-and-a-half-long, heavily armed and armored muscle car. They sacrifice mobility and damage application against smaller targets. The Gathering Storm and Lightning Strikes events provide the perfect launch for EDENCOM's new line of ships, built exclusively for them by Upwell to aid in the fight against the Triglavian Collective. Pilots who previously scoffed at mining converted to flying Rorquals and reaped the benefits. Enemy space stations, industrial ships, and even capital vessels have all fallen victim to the Purifier’s might.Whether being used as force multipliers to massive fleet fights or in asymmetrical insurgent tactics, Purifier fleets are one of the most powerful tools of war an If the Macherial battleship is the loud, flashy muscle car of Garmurs are well suited for “scram kiting,” similar to the Kestrel, but due to a massive built-in increase in warp scrambler range, this ship does the job much more efficiently.

From October 26th through until November 9th, capsuleers will be able to run the Blood Raider Gauntlet and complete challenges via The Agency for all manner of rewards and prizes including new “Headhunter” SKINs.Be careful though, the Blood Raiders are not a threat that should be taken lightly…As new technologies for resource acquisition emerge in the form of Upwell Refineries, new moon mining capabilities and refined reaction processes, pirate factions have set their sights on taking a slice of the dwindling resources that remain in New Eden.With more tools for resource gathering at the hands of capsuleers than ever before, the competition for raw materials and supremacy over space is becoming more heated than ever as the cluster is pushed closer toward the brink of all out conflict.The pirate factions of New Eden continue their arms race for supremacy, as the Guristas Pirates are next to branch out into mass manufacture of capital class vessels.Refusing to sit idle and spectate as the Blood Raiders build a formidable fleet, the Guristas now have their own production facilities which contain highly valuable blueprints for their capital ship designs.With the winter expansion, capsuleers can look forward to assaulting these shipyards in order to get their hands on very rare blueprints for highly capable and advanced capital class vessels.A vessel designed for one purpose – to savage anything hostile it encounters – the Caiman packs a vicious punch from its primary weapons systems while still being able to launch light fighters to provide additional firepower.With the release of Guristas Shipyards, a true dragon is released. While they can use stargates to travel, they can also jump between star systems using built-in jump drives, although this needs another ship to light a cynosural beacon in the target star system.All submitted data, logos and images are for informational purposes only. Crimson Harvest

Access the Federation Grand Prix objectives via The Agency in the Neocom menu in game. In addition, the Rorqual was given the ability to equip a unique module, the Pulse Activated Nexus Invulnerability Core, aka the P.A.N.I.C.

The longer a Kikimora’s disintegrators remain focused on the same target, the more devastating the beam weapon becomes, increasing in damage every few seconds until reaching damage numbers previously only available to battleship-class and larger ships.The speed and agility of the Kikimora’s destroyer-sized hull allow it to fight battles on its own terms, and with an array of electronic warfare modules, it can halt the movement of its chosen victim.

February Release & Events Finally, an additional task will be added to the Skilling is Just a Means event that runs until 14 April. The time for the iconic look of this historic battleship to evolve has come, and the Gallente have spared no expense in updating the appearance of this glorious warhorse.Built upon the Dominix hull, the Sin has long been Gallente's entry in the field of battleship Black Ops. There is a daily login event running until 11:00 UTC on 10 August where you can claim free rewards, as well as attend Amarr parades in selected systems, and there will even be an awesome player-run gathering in-game to check out!The next Proving Grounds event kicks off on Friday, August 7 straight after downtime and runs until Tuesday, August 11. New players begin the game in their race's rookie ship, fitted with a very basic gun turret and mining laser.