I do jnot see where you can choose which is given greater importance if there is (for example) 50/50 pass/ run option. Why's that and which would you guys recommend?

If you do not sign them prior to the draft, they will become unrestricted free agents, free to sign with anyone during the post draft free agency period.To browse and sign RFA, go to the ROSTER COMMANDS menu and click View Rosters. When you are done reading, feel free to leave comments or suggestions and I will do my best to address them. This is also where you would apply to move a team if you attempt to build a new stadium and the city votes against it. - Under the ROSTER COMMANDS menu, select View The Grey Sheet. Before Starting This Guide Just a quick mention I want to make before you go on to read the basics - If you have questions about deeper aspects of the game that go beyond this basic guide (and I am sure you will) - A great place to ask those questions is here: Front Office Football Central [1: View General Manager Records - This is not really a setting as much as it is a list of your best performances as a GM in your history with the game. If you want a static cap, set both parameters to 0. Once you have done this the week will simulate, after which you may view the game log or the box score for any game simulated by clicking on the box or the log next to the game. 7 is not better than 8. Being able to have multiple windows open at once is a huge plus for me with 8. After you have finished training camp, you are back to square one, a fresh preseason waiting to get underway. This did not work out for me, however, because my best CB kept blitzing instead. You will see your RFA at the bottom, players with no contract who do not have the UFA designation next to their name. The CPU generally has a solid idea of how much to charge the fans for the upcoming season.II. Under the CALENDAR menu, click Staff Draft to move on to one of the more unique aspects of Front Office Football 7.

However 8 has a more realistic play calling and depth chart set up.

If you were unable to re-negotiate a deal with a player you really do not want to lose to another team, now is the chance to guarantee that he will remain a part of your roster at least for the coming season.I. There are 5 stages to this draft, as follows:1 - Head Coach 2 - Offensive Coordinator (Can be poached by another team for HC job) 3 - Defensive Coordinator (Can be poached by another team for HC/OC job) 4 - Assistant Coach (Can be poached by another team for HC/OC/DC job) 5 - Strength and Conditioning (Cannot be poached)To make this quick and easy the first time around, lets just try and keep the staff from last season together. Time for the GM to really shine. The Season Awards screen will give you a run down of the All Pro 1st and 2nd team as well as the Offensive and Defensive Rookie of the Year, Offensive and Defensive player of the year, the League MVP, and the League Championship MVP of any season. This will require slightly more hard drive space to store the game logs, but if you want this piece of information available to you for whatever reason, this is where you make that happen.F: Cap Increase Range - This is where you determine how much the cap increases from year to year when the league negotiates a new television contract. A player that is too injured to play will be highlighted in red.

You may also want to consider the contract status of players when making cuts as well, because cutting a player with a lot of years left on their deal can cause cap problems down the road.I. This will take you to the Amateur Draft preview screen, where you can browse all the incoming rookie talent and get an idea for who you might want to go after when it is time to make your selection. You can learn what each section of the training camp schedule is about by clicking Details next to any of the items on the list, but for now lets just leave the default settings on and click Run Training Camp.

Repeat this step as necessary until the signing period comes to an end.Next up is the amateur draft, the place where legends are born.

Make any highlighted players inactive, replace them with another player to bring your active roster back to 46, then repeat steps II and III above as necessary until the Pre Season has come to an end.Now we can move on to part 2 of the guide, the Regular Season.Regular Season / Playoffs (PLAYOFFS!?) I do like 7s ability to decide run or pass. This is the part of the game that Front Office GMs everywhere salivate over, where you get to stake your claim as a legendary judge of talent or a miserable failure who couldn't draft a talented player if your life depended on it.Accessing the draft - Now all your preparations are done and it is time to get in the war room and make the hard decisions. Multi-player mode runs independently of Steam and requires a commissioner to manage the web site. RFA are players with expired contracts who have not yet entered their 5th year in the league. This is where you can create a completely new universe of 32 cities of your choice.

This will sort the players without contracts to the bottom of your roster screen. At a setting of 100, a guy that runs a 4.3 40 will be fast, almost without fail. Under the CALENDAR menu, select Begin Free Agency to move on to the next stage. This will move your current offers to the top, highlighted in red. The size of the football field in 8 sucks in opinion, especially if you are not calling plays. next to that will be the 3 letter abbreviation of the team that signed the player. Instant download. To make your cuts this time, your best candidates will be the lowest rated guys at positions where you have an abundance of players. There are records for single season and career, and a button at the bottom of the screen that allows you to erase the records and start fresh. Pre Free Agency Before we get to Free Agency in earnest, there is a brief interlude where you have the opportunity to change ticket prices and designate a franchise player before free agency begins.