Go to the Supermarket on Wednesday or Friday between 10AM and 1PM.She convinces her father, Jeff, to give you a free bag of grass seeds. A website covering Harvest Moon - Friends of Mineral Town on Gameboy Advance. However, Karen enjoys being out on the town more than helping run the family business. Karen is an eligible bachelorette in Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town. Fresh, fun, and feisty, Karen takes nonsense from no one. Requirements: Karen is at a black heart or higher. è un videogioco per Game Boy Advance, sviluppato dalla Marvelous Interactive Inc. e pubblicato negli Stati Uniti dalla Natsume.Originariamente è uscito in Giappone il 18 aprile 2003..

When you bring Duke back to his house, he and Manna start arguing. Rick doesn't know when his father is going to return, either!

Karen and Rick will get married 7 days after this event. Their feelings have always been apparent, so why hide it? You will go to the clinic with your spouse, and the Doctor will announce that the female one is pregnant. Karen is the daughter of Jeff and Sasha. The girls have heard that you purchased a big bed and want to sleep in it.

She enjoys cooking, but is, unfortunately, terrible at it. Doug will ask you to carry Duke back home, as he's unable walk in this condition. … Before you go to bed at night, you'll hear a knock at the door. Requirements: Karen must be at a purple heart level or higher, after seeing the black heart event.

Jeff was so happy when Karen was born that there are three cases of wine! He's excited as he sees the first few customers come in. If Karen wins the drinking competition, Duke has to pay his outstanding bill at the Supermarket. It can be Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, or Saturday between 11AM and 6PM.Karen will ask Rick about his father. Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town (牧場物語 ミネラルタウンのなかまたち Bokujō Monogatari: Mineral Town no Nakama Tachi?) Karen enjoys walking on the beach in the evening and visiting the bar.

Go to the Supermarket on a Wednesday or Friday in between 10AM and 1PM.When you get to the Winery, you find a lot more than you bargained for. She suggests that you were simply tired, and to breath the next time you try and eat!

This makes Rick and Karen very happy.
Together, the family operates the local supermarket. There is a chance that Ann, Popuri, Karen and Mary will stop by. Rick thanks her and says that he's glad she's feeling better.

willed and dependable like her mother,but can't cook to save her life.Karen is the daughter of Jeff and Sasha. Karen is the daughter of Jeff and Sasha. At the Poultry Farm, you'll see Rick and Karen talking. Karen says that Lillia (Rick's mother) is looking healthier.

However, Karen enjoys being out on the town more than helping run the family business. When Zack tries to get a free item of his own, Won tells him that he'll have to pay.

However, Karen enjoys being out on the town more than helping run the family business.

The event starts when your character walks into Kai's restaurant between 5 PM and 7 PM.Kai greets you and says that he doesn't have any customers, as usual.

You will wake up in the Hospital.

Karen ends up victorious after a long night of drinking.

If Duke wins, his debts will be erased.

Go to the Supermarket on Monday, Thursday, or Saturday between 10AM and 1PM for the final eventYou reluctantly eat Karen's terrible cooking, and it actually causes your character to pass out! Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Requirements: Watch the previous events, and have Karen be at a blue heart level or higher. Manna will argue with Duke about the debt to the Supermarket and you will excuse yourself.
After all the customers have been served, your character, Kai, and Popuri are alone in his restaurant. Popuri suddenly calls and walks into the restaurant, excited, telling Kai that she brought customers for him.

She enjoys cooking, but is, unfortunately, terrible at it.