Der Heilbutt steht im Sommer mehr auf Sandgrund in Tiefen zwischen 40 und 70 m. In den anderen Jahreszeiten macht es natürlich Sinn, den Heilbutt in tieferen Gewässern zu beangeln. The e-mail address is stored in a separate database, not shared with others and deleted when you unsubscribe. To be allowed to carry 20 kilograms of fish, our guests must report catch numbers (quantity) for cod, coalfish, redfish, … Tips for tips are not logged with us, but only used to add the tips to the community. Such cookies may contain language code information for languages ​​selected by the user. Unsere Guides sind selbst erfahrene Angler und immer über die besten Fangplätze informiert und wissen, mit welchen Montagen und welchem Gerät am erfolgreichsten geangelt wird. Karte inkl. Such cookies may contain language code information for languages ​​selected by the user. The information received is subject to the An IP address is defined as a personal information because it can be traced back to a particular hardware and thus to an individual. To analyze the information, we use the Google Analytics uses cookies (small text files that the site stores on the user's computer), which registers the users' IP address and provides information about the individual user's online movements. Mailchimp is the data processor for the newsletter. The purpose of the storage is to improve our information service. However, we can not guarantee that the online community does not log this information. These forms are available to the public to perform the tasks they are supposed to do.Registration form is for visitors to sign up or register.Contact form is for visitors to easily send a message to the website's contact person.We ask for the name of the sender and contact information for this. Der Angelführer kommt zu Ihnen ans Haus und fährt zusammen mit Ihnen und dem zur Ihrer Unterkunft gehörenden Boot mit raus.Wir bieten Ihnen zwei verschiedene Formen von Guiding an:Eine rechtzeitige Buchung unseres Guides wird empfohlen.Diese Preise gelten nicht für die Anlagen Angelamfi Steinsjø und Steinsjø Kvenvær/Knarrlagsund. PC: Hold CTRL and press + (plus) to enlarge or - (minus) to shrink.MAC: Hold CMD and press + (plus) to enlarge or - (minus) to shrink.From the 1st of January 2019 the new customs regulation will come into force in Norway.Hitra is one of Norway’s biggest islands, 707 km² of woodland, moors, skerries and small fjords, and maybe you’ll be treated to a sighting of our very prevalent wild red deer.We want you to relax on our wonderful island, experience an unforgettable holiday and of course partake in the many great fishing opportunities. The statement contains information that you are entitled to when collecting information from our website, and general information about how we treat personal data.The legal owner of the website is the processing officer for the processing of personal data. Between 24 hours and 30 days, only mailheader is stored before the submission is deleted after 30 days. V… Egal, ob das Angeln direkt vom Boot oder mit festen Boden unter den Füßen erfolgt, der sportlichen Herausforderung sind auf Hitra keine Grenzen gesetzt und ein erfolgreich… Personal information we receive is not used for purposes other than responding to the inquiry.The form is sent as email via Mailgun as a third party solution.
The island has an area of 147 km² and the angling possibilities either from the shore or on the open sea are virtually endless. All such services should therefore be used wisely. The e-mail address will also be deleted if we receive feedback that it is not active.The website may have a form for registration, contact form or other form. These forms are available to the public to perform the tasks they are supposed to do.Registration form is for visitors to sign up or register.Contact form is for visitors to easily send a message to the website's contact person.We ask for the name of the sender and contact information for this.
It is voluntary for those who visit the web sites to provide personal information regarding services such as receiving newsletters and using the sharing and tip services. Bisher nur mässigen Erfolg mit Kontaktaufnahme, trotz mehrmaliger Emails, seid Samstag kein Kontakt mehr.Scheint so, als wäre dort kein Ansprechpartner mehr vorhanden!!